Login failure on Portal sites

If you are able to access the Portal sites login page, but the login attempt is failing.

All Portal users except for the site Admin user are ultimately authenticated by the Management subsystem, however Portal adds additional security controls such as IP banning and Flood control which should be first place to check for portal login issues: Managing Developer Portal security.

If the login problem is with the Admin user, then check the logs of the web container in the www pod at the time of the attempt, for example:
# kubectl logs abc-portal-site1-www-0 -c web --since=1m
[   php-fpm stderr]   585 ce6ce0:adad58:c3852e 2022-05-27 14:16:49: WARNING: [pool www] child 1023 said into stderr: "WATCHDOG: [NOTICE] [user] Login attempt failed for admin. | user: anonymous | uri: https://provorg1.sandbox.portal.apimsvc21.hursley.ibm.com/provorg1/sandbox/user/login | referer: https://portal.site1.example.com/provorg1/sandbox/user/login

If the Portal site itself is not rejecting the user login, then check the Management server logs during the login attempt: Login failure on Management UIs. It may also be worth checking the logs of the admin container in the www pod, which manages the Portal end of the communications with the Management subsystem.

Every account in the Developer Portal, including across different user registries for the same site, must have a unique email address, including the site Admin account. For example, if you configure three different user registries for a particular Developer Portal site, the email address alice@acme.com can be used to log in to the site from only one of the user registries. The default email address for the Admin account is the email address of the Catalog owner. It is not possible to create a user account (and associated Consumer organization) with the same email address as the Admin account (or that of the Catalog owner if their email address is different). Any attempts to create an account with the same email address results in the new account not functioning correctly, and returning the following error message when trying to log in: A user already exists with this email address.