Login failure on Management UIs

If you are able to access the Management UIs login page, but the login attempt is failing.

Check the logs of the juhu and apim pods at the time of the login attempt to confirm that the login attempt did reach the Management subsystem. For more information on the juhu logs see Unable to access Management UIs. If the login attempt reached the Management subsystem, more details of the login failure for Local User Registry users can be found in the lur pod logs, and for LDAP users in the ldap pods. Example:
# kubectl logs abc-management-lur-8bbc47b54-9vl8q --since=1m -f
2022-05-27T13:41:13.511Z audit [4d55be1800dcef18c64e0470484e6eac] START: >>>>>>>> [POST]: /user-login
2022-05-27T13:41:13.704Z lur:error [4d55be1800dcef18c64e0470484e6eac] Requested login, but user, notauser not found in user registry, 
2022-05-27T13:41:13.706Z bhendi:error [4d55be1800dcef18c64e0470484e6eac] Error in POST post:/user-login (user.js:login)
  - status : 401