Configuring content moderation

By configuring content moderation, you can configure a review and approval process for content types in the Developer Portal. You can specify which roles can perform which actions by assigning them the appropriate permissions.

Before you begin

An example use case for configuring content moderation would be for a professional documentation writer to review an APIs documentation before it is published on the Developer Portal. They might, for example, notify the API Developer of typographical errors, suggest improvements to operation descriptions, or attach an image file. Edits might then be made before the documentation was republished to the API and then published to the Developer Portal.

You must have a Developer Portal enabled, and you must have administrator access to complete this task.

About this task

By using content moderation, you can configure the workflow of your Developer Portal site so that you can moderate content types, such as APIs and Products. However, you cannot moderate Consumer organizations or applications.


  1. Log in to your Developer Portal as an administrator.
  2. If the administrator dashboard isn’t displayed, click Manage to display it.
  3. Enable the required modules:
    1. On the administrator dashboard, click Extend.
    2. In the search bar enter workflows, then select the Workflows module and click Enable.
    3. In the search bar enter content moderation, then select the Content Moderation module and click Enable.
  4. Navigate to Configuration > Workflow > Workflows
  5. Check that Editorial is listed as a workflow. If it isn't listed:
    1. Click + Add workflow.

      Screen capture showing workflow addition screen

    2. Enter Editorial as the label.
    3. Select the workflow type Content moderation.
    4. Click Save.
  6. Set up the workflow:
    1. Click Edit on the Editorial workflow.
    2. Click the Add a new state link.

      Screen capture showing state addition screen

    3. Enter the value Review in the State label field, leave the Published and Default revision check boxes cleared then click Save.

      Screen capture showing state details screen

    4. Drag the review state to between the Draft and Published states then click 'Save'. If the drag handles are not visible, then click the Hide row weights link in the STATES section to make them appear.

      Screen capture showing Review state repositioning

    5. Click the Add a new transition link.
    6. Enter the value Review in the Transition Label field, tick the Draft check box in the From section and click Review in the To section then click Save.
    7. Drag the Review transition to between the Create New Draft and Publish transitions, then click Save.
    8. Click the Edit operation on the Create New Draft transition.
    9. In the From check box list, untick Published and tick Review then click Save.
    10. Click the Edit operation on the Publish transition.
    11. In the From check box list, untick Draft and tick Review then click Save.
    12. Click Select for the Content types item in the THIS WORKFLOW APPLIES TO section.
    13. Select the Product content type then click Save.
  7. Set up the permission schema for the workflow:
    1. Click People > Roles > Add a new role.
    2. In the Role Name field, enter the value Editor then click Save.
    3. Drag the Editor role to between the Content Author and Administrator roles then click Save.
    4. Click the Permissions tab and scroll down to the Content Moderation permission section.
    5. For the EDITOR role, select all the permissions in the Content Moderation section.
    6. For the CONTENT AUTHOR role, select the permissions Editorial workflow: Use Create New Draft transition, View any unpublished content, and View the latest version then click Save permissions.
    7. Ensure that the EDITOR and CONTENT AUTHOR roles have the permission Use the administration toolbar.
  8. Assign the permissions to users in the portal. If you do not already have some registered users in your portal, create a new consumer organization and invite two new users to it.
    1. Click People.
    2. Tick the check box next to one of the users in the list, but not the admin user, then from the Action drop-down select Add the Content Author role to the selected user(s) then click Apply to selected items.
    3. Tick the check box next to another one of the users in the list, but not the admin user, then from the Action drop-down select Add the Editor role to the selected user(s) then click Apply to selected items.


You successfully configured content moderation on your Developer Portal. You can now use the API manager user interface to publish a product to the portal, and transition the product from draft to review state.