Protecting catalog properties

You can protect a catalog property so that its data is returned as redacted in the response to an API call.

Catalog administrator access is required to protect a property. When a property is marked as protected, you cannot unprotect it. However, you can delete the property and then create it newly as an unprotected property.

You can update the value in a protected property; the property remains protected. The protection feature applies only to catalog-level properties and does not affect spaces or API properties.

The API invoke call returns the property in clear text, all other calls returns the property as redacted and display only asterisks as in: ******.

To protect a catalog property, complete the following action:
  1. Log in to IBM® API Connect as the catalog administrator and navigate to the catalog.
  2. Create or edit a property.
    1. To create a protected property, complete the following action:
      1. Click Create.
      2. Provide the name and value for the new property.
      3. Click Protect.
        Note: When you protect a property, its value is displayed as *****.
    2. To edit a property, complete the following action:
      1. Select a property and click Edit.
      2. Update the property's value.
        Note: The value for a protected property displays as ***** but you can replace the value.
      3. If the property is not already protected, click Protect.
        Note: When you protect the property, its value displays as *****.
      4. Click Save to update the property.
To unprotect a catalog property, complete the following action:
  1. Log in to IBM API Connect as the catalog administrator and navigate to the catalog.
  2. Delete the protected property.
  3. Add the property again and do not mark it as protected.
  4. Save your changes.