Verifying installation of the analytics subsystem

Verify the deployment of the analytics subsystem and configure scheduled backups.

Before you begin

Complete Deploying the analytics subsystem OVA.


  1. Log in to the API Connect VM by using SSH, and check the status of the installation:

    If you are using a three replica deployment profile, then repeat this step for each VM in your analytics subsystem deployment.

    1. Enter the following command to connect to your analytics VM with SSH:
      ssh apicadm@<vm hostname>
      No password is required because you set your public key in step 9 on Preparing the analytics subsystem for deployment. If necessary, include the path to your SSH identity files:
      ssh -i <path to identity file> apicadm@<vm hostname>
      For example:
      ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa apicadm@<vm hostname>
    2. Select Yes to continue connecting.
      Your hostnames are automatically added to your list of hosts.
    3. Run the apic status command to verify that the installation completed and that the system is running correctly.
      The command output for a correctly running analytics system is similar to the following:
      #sudo apic status
      INFO[0000] Log level: info                              
      Cluster members:
      - (
        Version: 5.2.0
        Install stage: DONE
        Upgrade stage: UPGRADE_DONE
        Spec Version:
        Reconciled Version:
        CR Status: Running
        CR Message: 
        CR Condition Message: 7/7
        CR Condition Reason: DeploymentReady
        Subsystem type: analytics
        Subsystem version:
        Subsystem detail: Waiting for installation before starting upgrade manager
        NTP Status: systemd-timesyncd.service[active] (NTP: Initial synchronization to time server (
        CPU/Memory: 569m/11461Mi  
        Reboot Required: false
        Containerd status:
          Systemd unit: running
        Kubernetes status: 
          Systemd unit: running
          Kubelet version: apimsvc22 (5.4.0-182-generic) [Kubelet v1.28.9, Proxy v1.28.9]
        Etcd status: pod etcd-apimsvc22 in namespace kube-system has status Running
        Addons: calico, cert-manager-v1, dns, kube-proxy, local-volume-provisioner, metrics-server, 
        Disk Space Available: 224G/245G | Used: 5%
        Inodes Available: 16M/16M | Used: 1%
        Containers: 21
          - Running: 21
          - Exited: 29
          - Unknown: 0
        Images: 31
      Etcd cluster state:
      - etcd member name:, member id: 9262458466544818989, cluster id: 16589681311468597424, leader id: 9262458466544818989, revision: 4560907, version: 3.5.9
      Pods Summary:
      NODE             NAMESPACE          NAME                                            READY        STATUS           REASON
      apimsvc22        certmanager        cert-manager-8694fb5f7d-5lj2s                   1/1          Running          
      apimsvc22        certmanager        cert-manager-cainjector-5cdfc79679-x67df        1/1          Running          
      apimsvc22        certmanager        cert-manager-webhook-66f85f764f-gdh7c           1/1          Running          
      apimsvc22        default            abc-analytics-director-7dd456cd48-s452r         1/1          Running          
      apimsvc22        default            abc-analytics-ingestion-0                       1/1          Running          
      apimsvc22        default            abc-analytics-mtls-gw-5fbb9455f9-cd8jm          1/1          Running          
      apimsvc22        default            abc-analytics-oscron-28704480-5xbvk             0/1          Succeeded        
      apimsvc22        default            abc-analytics-osinit-wmx6n                      0/1          Succeeded        
      apimsvc22        default            abc-analytics-reindex-28703520-7vcj5            0/1          Succeeded        
      apimsvc22        default            abc-analytics-storage-0                         1/1          Running          
      apimsvc22        default            ibm-apiconnect-c486c557d-tc2hs                  1/1          Running          
      apimsvc22        kube-system        calico-kube-controllers-7fbcfc6b49-hjhpn        1/1          Running          
      apimsvc22        kube-system        calico-node-nzdnx                               1/1          Running          
      apimsvc22        kube-system        coredns-b647d6884-9l2vr                         1/1          Running          
      apimsvc22        kube-system        coredns-b647d6884-f7jhk                         1/1          Running          
      apimsvc22        kube-system        etcd-apimsvc22                                  1/1          Running          
      apimsvc22        kube-system        ingress-nginx-ingress-controller-f5lvb          1/1          Running          
      apimsvc22        kube-system        kube-apiserver-apimsvc22                        1/1          Running          
      apimsvc22        kube-system        kube-apiserver-proxy-apimsvc22                  1/1          Running          
      apimsvc22        kube-system        kube-controller-manager-apimsvc22               1/1          Running          
      apimsvc22        kube-system        kube-proxy-pq5kt                                1/1          Running          
      apimsvc22        kube-system        kube-scheduler-apimsvc22                        1/1          Running          
      apimsvc22        kube-system        local-volume-provisioner-lhjdr                  1/1          Running          
      apimsvc22        kube-system        metrics-server-967bc8b5c-2dmcj                  1/1          Running  
  2. If you have installed all the API Connect subsystems, then continue to Post-deployment steps.
  3. Configure backups of the subsystem. Follow the instructions in Backing up and restoring the analytics subsystem.