Configuring offload client certificates on VMware

Configuring client keys for analytics offload.


  1. SSH to your analytics VM, or one of the VMs if you have a three replica deployment.
    ssh apicadm@<analytics VM FQDN>
  2. Switch to the root user:
    sudo -i
  3. Refer to the Kubernetes steps documented in Configuring offload client certificates on Kubernetes and OpenShift.
    When you follow Kubernetes steps on VMware, run all operations as the root user. You do not need to specify a namespace when running kubectl commands on VMware. For example if a step has the command:
    kubectl -n <namespace> apply -f analytics_offload_certificates.yaml
    you can omit the -n <namespace>.
    To identify the ingestion pod, run:
    kubectl get pods
  4. Keep a backup of your client certificates as part of your analytics infrastructure backup. For more information about backups, see Backup, restore, and disaster recovery.