
These tutorials guide you through the steps typically required to set up, configure and run an API Connect cloud.


These tutorials are arranged according to the desired goal, such as creating and publishing an API, or managing catalogs of products, or consuming published API products. These goals can be grouped into categories as follows.

Table 1. Tutorial Categories
Category Description
Cloud Administration Setting up and configuring the API Connect cloud, including the creation of Provider Organizations.
API Provider Administration Setting up and managing catalogs, inviting organization members (such as developers), creating Developer Portals, managing resources.
API Product Promotion and Usage Managing the Developer Portal presentation and user administration, as well as consuming published API products as an external developer.

Time required

Each tutorial should take approximately 20 - 30 minutes to finish. If you explore other concepts that are related to this tutorial, it might take longer.

Use the links in the following sections to access the tutorials that fit your goals.

Cloud Administration

Table 2. Cloud Administration Tasks. Setting up and configuring the API Connect cloud, including the creation of Provider Organizations.
Category Tutorials
Initial Configuration
Provider Organization

API Provider Administration

Table 3. API Provider Tasks. Setting up and managing catalogs, inviting organization members (such as developers), creating Developer Portals, managing resources.
Category Tutorials
Developer Portal Set Up

API Product Promotion and Usage through the Developer Portal

There are many tutorials available for the Developer Portal from getting started to advanced customization. For more information, see Developer Portal tutorials.


  • You must have a web browser available, whether you are working online or offline.
  • When publishing Products in any of the tutorials you must have the permissions of an Organization Manager or Administrator. However, you can complete several of the tutorials with fewer permissions. For more information about user roles, see Administering user access.