Running a filesystem check on a VMware root partition

You can run a filesystem check on the appliance root filesystem at boot time.

About this task

If the appliance root filesystem is mounted read-only because it is corrupt, use the following steps to run fsck on root partition:


  1. Access to the VMware console for the Appliance, and after causing it to reboot, make sure to bring up a console to the appliance (as needed to give focus to the window by clicking the mouse into it), and press the Esc key repeatedly.
    You will see a boot screen similar to the following:
    GNU GRUB v2.02
    - Ubuntu
    - Advanced options for Ubuntu
    Press Enter to boot the selected OS, 'e' to edit the commands 
    before booting or 'c' for a command-line
  2. Press e to edit the commands before booting, and add the lines fsck.mode=force and
    For example, the boot screen contents resemble:
    GNU GRUB v2.02
    set params 'Ubuntu'
    Press Ctrl-x or F10 to boot
  3. Press F10 to boot.
  4. The following command should show that fsck was run recently:
    root@ip-230:~# sudo tune2fs -l /dev/sda1 | grep "Last checked"
    Last checked:             Wed Jul  1 19:32:25 2020