Reinstall the management subsystem by using your infrastructure configuration backup,
then restore the management database backup.
Before you begin
To successfully recover the management subsystem, you must have the
following backups:
About this task
- Management subsystem backups can be restored in the same environment where they were taken, or
in a different environment that has the same network configuration, endpoints, and deployment
profile. You cannot restore a management subsystem backup in a different network environment, form
factor, or deployment profile. If you want to move your API Connect deployment to a
different form factor or change endpoints, see Migrating from v10 to v10 on a different form factor.
- When you restore a management database backup, you must also restore the database backups of all
registered developer portal services, so that the portal and management databases remain in
Note: For OpenShift users: The steps that are
detailed in this topic use the Kubernetes kubectl
command. On OpenShift, use the
equivalent oc
command in its place.
Reinstall your management subsystem by using the YAML files from your infrastructure
configuration backup.
Your infrastructure configuration backup consists of:
- Management CR YAML: mgmt_cr_backup.yaml.
- Management database encryption secret: management_enc_key_backup.yaml.
- Management backup secret: mgmt-backup-secret_backup.yaml
- Multiple <credential secret>_backup.yaml files, one for each credential
- If you customized any certificates, a YAML file of the secret for each customized certificate.
For example: apim-endpoint_secret_backup.yaml.
- Create the database encryption secret with the
management_enc_key_backup.yaml file:
kubectl -n <management namespace> apply -f management_enc_key_backup.yaml
- Create the backup credential secret with your
mgmt-backup-secret_backup.yaml file:
kubectl -n <management namespace> apply -f mgmt-backup-secret_backup.yaml
- Create the credential secrets with the
<credential secret>_backup.yaml files you saved in step 5 of
Taking a management infrastructure configuration backup:
kubectl -n <management namespace> apply -f <credential secret backup file>
- Set the object-store CA secret (if required) from your backup
kubectl -n <management namespace> apply -f mgmt_custom_objstore_ca.yaml
- Create the secrets for any customized certificates from their
backup files:
kubectl -n <management namespace> apply -f <custom certificate secret backup file>
- Install the management subsystem. Follow Installing the management subsystem, but use the settings from the
section of your mgmt_cr_backup.yaml file.
- Restore your management database: Restoring the management database with a backup ID.
What to do next
Restore the backups of any portal subsystems that are registered with the management
subsystem. See Backing up and restoring the developer portal.