Concepts in the Developer Portal
The Developer Portal is built on Drupal 10, an open source content management technology. A good understanding of Drupal concepts and terminology enhances your ability to work with the Developer Portal.
In Drupal, most content on the website is treated as variations on the concept of a node. Node types, such as static pages, blog posts, and news items, are all stored in the same way. The navigation structure of the site is designed separately by editing menus, views, and blocks. Finally, the theme of the system controls the overall appearance of the site to visitors. Access to these depends on the permissions that your role possesses. These are explained more fully in the following sections.
A node is a set of individual related content such as a page, a poll, an article, a forum topic, or a blog post. For example, when you create a blog post, and define the body text, you also define its title, content, author link, creation date, and taxonomy . Some of these elements are shown by the theme layer when the node is displayed, and some elements are metadata that control where and when the node is displayed at all. Each set of content in a Developer Portal site is a node. You can apply new features or changes to all content of a single node type.
- Title
- Body
- Comment body
- Tags
- Image
Content types
A content type is a predefined collection of fields. Content types define the default fields that content editors use to add content in a Developer Portal site, and help structure the authoring and developing of content. Content types can be displayed in the Developer Portal. You can control which content types, and the order and format that they are displayed, in the Developer Portal.
- Extend the code of an existing theme.
- Identify and use a theme that is provided by the Drupal community or a third-party website, and modify the theme settings.
- Create a complete custom theme from scratch.
However, you cannot directly edit the API Connect theme as editing is not supported. Any edited versions of these files are overwritten when a fix pack or iFix is installed. So, the way to create a custom theme is to create a custom subtheme of the standard API Connect theme that the Developer Portal uses by default. A subtheme inherits all of the settings of its parent theme, apart from the settings that are overridden. For more information, see Creating a sub-theme.
Most themes use the Twig template engine for PHP.
The specific areas of a Developer Portal site in which content can be placed. Regions are customized and styled in the theme.
Blocks are boxes of content that can be displayed in regions on your Developer Portal page. Blocks can be made available to your Developer Portal site by enabling specific modules. After a block is created, its appearance can be modified. You can also define which Developer Portal page or pages blocks appear on. Some modules can provide multiple blocks when they are enabled, while other modules might not define new blocks. For more information, see Adding and changing the blocks displayed on Developer Portal pages.
Modules are similar to the concept of plug-ins, in that they extend the core functions of the Developer Portal site. A set of modules is implemented by default with the Drupal core, and there are extra modules that can be enabled to extend the default functions. You can find and add more modules to your Developer Portal site from the internet. For more information, see Extend.
You can use views to manipulate the content that is displayed on a page, block, and other visual elements in the Developer Portal site. Views can be used along with content types to format the appearance of your site to your specification. For more information, see Using the Views module in the Developer Portal.
Pages are used by the features that can modify the appearance of the Developer Portal to customize the appearance of your Developer Portal site. Pages can be customized to be as specific as you require, and can be configured to satisfy the context of the situation that they are used in.
After you log in to the Developer Portal site, you have a user record in the Developer Portal database. User ID 1 is always reserved for the administrator account. Regardless of whether other user accounts are using remote authentication such as LDAP, the administrator account is always a local account to enable administration of the Developer Portal site. For more information, see People.
- Administrator
- Forum Moderator
- Content Author
Permissions define the actions that a user can or cannot do in a Developer Portal site. Permissions are additive. If a permission that enables a user to do an action is not assigned, the user cannot do the action. If a user has multiple roles, and any of them contain a specific permission, the user is able to do that action. There are also permissions that have security implications, and you are recommended to assign those permissions to trusted roles. For more information, see Controlling access to Developer Portal content.
- html.html.twig - the template for Developer Portal HTML pages
- page.html.twig - the body of Developer Portal HTML page
- node.html.twig - the template for all of the content nodes
- comment.html.twig - the template for all of the comment nodes
- search-result.html.twig - the template for search results
- node--product.html.twig - the template for nodes that use the Product content type
- node--product--teaser.html.twig - the template for the previews for the Product content type
For more information about overriding templates in the Developer Portal, see Applying a modified content type template.