API Connect licenses

When you install a new version of API Connect, you must accept a license for the API Connect program that you purchased.

When you install or upgrade API Connect, the procedures include instructions for specifying your license. Be sure to specify a license ID from the version of API Connect that you are installing or are upgrading to.

The licenses in Table 1 are used as the master mod-level license for all Fix Pack and security roll-up releases in this stream. There are no changes to license terms, only updates to open source notices documented in the notes for each.

Table 1. API Connect licenses
License ID Program Name URL
L-DZZQ-MGVN8V IBM API Connect Enterprise V10.0.8.0 https://ibm.biz/BdmPj8
L-FTGN-WUM5C5 IBM Cloud Pak for Integration - API Calls 16.1.0 https://ibm.biz/BdmPjg
L-EFSE-DEGF6Z IBM API Connect Enterprise Add-on for IBM Products V10.0.8.0 https://ibm.biz/BdmPZB
L-QXKE-G3NZ57 IBM API Connect Professional V10.0.8.0 https://ibm.biz/BdmPZD