Deleting a Consumer organization

You can delete a Consumer organization in the Developer Portal.

Before you begin

You can delete a Consumer organization only if you are the owner of that organization. To have an account on a Developer Portal, you must be a member of at least one Consumer organization. Therefore, if you are a member of only one Consumer organization, to delete that organization you must first either join or create another Consumer organization, or you can delete your whole developer account. For more information, see Deleting your developer account.

About this task

Deleting a Consumer organization in the Developer Portal permanently removes access to the organization, and all of its applications and subscriptions, for all members of the organization. Consider carefully the impact on any members of your Consumer organizations before you delete the organization. Any users that were members of only the deleted organization, must create a new Consumer organization when they next logon to the Developer Portal.
Important: When an organization is deleted, it cannot be reactivated. You might want to consider changing the ownership of a Consumer organization, rather than deleting it. For more information, see Changing the ownership of a Consumer organization.


  1. Click your Organization name in the Developer Portal home page, and select the organization that you want to delete by using the drop-down arrow.
    You must be in more than one Consumer organization.

    Screen capture showing organization selection

  2. Click your Organization name in the Developer Portal home page, and select My organization.
  3. Click the options icon, Options menu icon and select Delete organization.

    Organization deletion confirmation screen

  4. Click Delete.


You permanently deleted a Consumer organization in the Developer Portal.