Customizing the URL alias for a specific API or Product page

You can customize the URL of an API or Product page from the default alias that they are assigned.

Before you begin

You must have administrator or content author access to complete this task.

About this task

Creating a custom URL, or path, alias is useful if you want to make the URL relevant to the API or Product page.


  1. If the administrator dashboard is not displayed, click Manage to display it.
  2. On the administrator dashboard, click Content.
  3. Identify the API or Product page that you want to customize the URL alias for, and click Edit.
  4. In the Path Alias text field, enter the custom URL alias that you want to assign your API or Product page.
    Note: All Path Alias must be unique, and can contain only the following characters: [A-Za-z0-9_-.].
  5. Click Save to publish the updated content.


You have applied a custom URL alias for your specified API or Product page, and it is displayed in the URL of your browser when the API or Product page is selected. Depending on whether it is added to an API or a Product page, the application of the Path Alias differs. For example, if you add my_new_path_alias, you will have:
  • <my_site_url>/api/my_new_path_alias for an API
  • <my_site_url>/product/my_new_path_alias for a Product