Changing logging levels

You can enable logging for entry and exit trace and for large payloads for apim-v2 pods.

About this task

For apim-v2 pods, the default logging settings do not include entry and exit trace and logging of large payloads.

Logging of large payloads is typically needed if you are logging apim:webhookPayload or other processes that log large variables.

You can also set the debug level without needing to restart the pods.

You can enable the settings through either the APIM deployment YAML file, the toolkit, or the REST APIs. Note, you must use the toolkit or REST API to set the debug level without restarting the pods.


  • Updating the settings in the APIM deployment YAML file
    Note: This action causes a pod restart.
    • The DEBUG variable works the same as prior releases.
      - env:
          - name: DEBUG
            value: audit,bhendi:error,bhendi:probe,bhendi:flags,apim:server,apim:error,apim:routes:*,apim:routesc:*,apim:oidc,apim:oidc:*

      To enable entry and exit trace, add trace:* to the start of the debug string:

      - env:
          - name: DEBUG
            value: trace:*,audit,bhendi:error,bhendi:probe,bhendi:flags,bhendi:webhookAudit,bhendi:cassandra-transactions,apim:server,apim:error,apim:routes:*,apim:routesc:*,apim:oidc,apim:oidc:*,apim:taskmanager:info
    • To enable large object logging:
      - env:
          - name: VELOX_LOG_FULL_PAYLOAD
            value: "true"
  • Updating the settings by using the toolkit
    Note: This action does not cause a pod restart. Also, this action is for a single APIM pod environment only.
    apic log-spec:get
    apic log-spec:update  LOG_SPEC_FILE

    Where the spec file contains:

    {"specification": "apim:routes:log_spec,audit,bhendi:error,apim:server,apim:error", "large_objects": true}
  • Updating the settings by using the REST API
    Note: This action does not cause a pod restart. Also, this action is for a single APIM pod environment only.
    GET /cloud/api/log-spec
    PUT /cloud/api/log-spec

    For example, to set debug level and large objects logging:

    curl -k -X PUT -H "Authorization: Bearer $BEARER" 
        -H "Accept: application/json" -d '{"specification": "apim:routes:log_spec,audit,bhendi:error,apim:server,apim:error","large_objects": true}'
        -H "Content-Type: application/json"

    The command responds with:

        "specification": "apim:routes:log_spec,audit,bhendi:error,apim:server,apim:error",
        "large_objects": true,
        "message": "Successfully changed the log specification on all apim-v2 pods. Success on IP(s):,"
    Note: The response might include the following warning, which can be ignored:
    WARNING: Could not change the log specification on all apim-v2 pods. Success on IP(s):  Failed on IP(s):

    To view the REST APIs for logging, go to API Connect REST APIs, and select IBM API Connect Platform - Cloud Management API 2.0.0 reference > Resource: Log Spec.