Installing with the top-level CR on OpenShift

Use the single, top-level APIConnectCluster CR to deploy API Connect on OpenShift.

About this task

When you deploy API Connect with a top-level CR, all the API Connect subsystems are deployed in the same namespace. The CR contains a section for each subsystem; configure deployment settings in the appropriate section for each subsystem.
Note: The top-level CR installation creates and manages one instance of each subsystem. If you want multiple portal, gateway, or analytics subsystems in your API Connect deployment, then install the API Connect subsystems individually: Installing API Connect in a single namespace on OpenShift. For more information about API Connect installation options on OpenShift, see OpenShift: Deciding to use individual CRs, a top-level CR, or Cloud Pak for Integration.

If you want to install multiple API Connect instances, for example dev, uat, and prod, the recommended configuration is to have single API Connect and Datapower operators installed globally in the openshift-operators namespace and each API Connect instance installed in its own namespace using a top-level CR.

  • If you want to configure FIPS support for API Connect, you must enable FIPS on the cluster as part of the initial OpenShift deployment. You cannot modify an existing cluster to enable FIPS support. For more information, see Configuring FIPS support on OpenShift.
  • Linking services from one topCR deployment to another is not recommended. If you attempt to link services from one topCR deployment to another, you will likely encounter errors with certificates along with limitations on the service names. In such a scenario, you should deploy the remote analytics service using an individual AnalyticsCluster CR. For more information, see Installing API Connect subsystems in different namespaces or environments on OpenShift.