Creating an API Hook

You can generate an API hook for each of the Test Suites within your Test Organization. API hooks are scoped to only one test suite and thus will only have access to operate on the data within that test suite; that is, if an API Hook is generated for Test Suite 1, it may only access the tests and test results associated with Test Suite 1. If you wish to interact with tests in multiple test suites, you will need to generate an API hook for each Test Suite.

API Hooks are protected and require an API Key and Secret to be used. You can find out how to create a API Key and Secret here.

If there are no Test Suites here, you can create one by clicking the Create Test Suite button after the Test Status chart.

How to create an API Hook

  1. Log in to the API Manager.
  2. Click the Test APIs tile.
  3. Select a test suite.
  4. Select the Settings > API hooks and keys tab.Hook
    • Go to the Hooks section, and click Add.
    • Enter name.
    • Enter description.
    • Click Save. You've now created the API Hook URL for your Test Suite. Make a note of this URL as this will form the base path of all future API requests you make to to this test suite. Close the Hook URL dialog box. You can see that your new API Hook is now in the list of API Hooks. You can click on this at anytime to view the URL again in the future should you need. Note that this URL will remain active until it is deleted. To delete the API Hook, simply click on the Delete icon next to the API Hook you want to remove.

What to do next