Kubernetes and OpenShift individual subsystem installations

Define ingestion filters to customize API event data before it is stored or offloaded.


  1. Edit your AnalyticsCluster CR:
    kubectl -n <namespace> edit a7s
  2. Filters for API events that are offloaded to a third-party system are defined in the external.offload section. Filters for API events that are stored in the API Connect OpenSearch database are defined in the ingestion section.
    Ingestion filters - for API event data stored by API Connect
    Add the filter definition to the ingestion section:
        filter: |
          if [api_name] == "test-api" {
            mutate {
              remove_field => ["query_string"]
    In this example, a conditional filter is used to apply the change to API event records where the API name is test-api.
    Offload filters - for API event data that is sent to a third-party system.
    Add the filter definition to the external.offload section:
          filter: |
            mutate {
              remove_field => ["query_string"]
    In this example, no conditional filter is used; the change is applied to all APIs.

    For more examples, see Example ingestion filters.

  3. Save the changes. Updates to filters take effect after approximately 30 seconds.