
Use the operation-switch component to apply a section of the assembly to a specific operation.

Gateway support

Table 1. Table showing which gateways support this policy, and the corresponding policy version
Gateway Policy version
DataPower® Gateway (v5 compatible) 1.0.0
DataPower API Gateway 2.0.0

This topic describes how to configure the policy in the assembly user interface; for details on how to configure the policy in your OpenAPI source, see operation-switch.

An operation-switch component provides a way to branch an API's assembly depending on the operation that is called. For each case, a separate piece of the assembly is applied to the operations that belong to the case.

When using the assemble view's property sheet, click the Case field to view suggested operations. Type in the Case field to refine the list of suggested operations.

Each case behaves as an assembly. To add components to a case, drag the component from the palette to the area included in the operation-switch component. Dashed boxes are displayed where the component can be included in the case.

For information about the OpenAPI implementation of an operation-switch component, see operation-switch.

Restriction: Nesting an operation-switch component inside an if or switch construct, or another operation-switch component, is not supported.

Component property details

You can configure a component's properties in the property sheet in the assemble view.

Table 2. The properties of an operation-switch component
Property Required Description
Title No A custom title for your component when it is displayed in the canvas. If a title is not specified, operation-switch is used by default.
Description No A description of your component, it is not displayed on the canvas.
Case Yes Each case includes one or more operations to which the branch provided by the operation switch applies.