Per IETF RFC 6749, the value of the scope parameter is expressed as a list of space-delimited, case-sensitive strings.
- An OAuth Provider must have at least one scope.
- An OAuth token will not be granted unless a default scope is configured at the provider, or one or more predefined scopes are included in the grant request.
- If no default scope is defined, and the request does not contain a scope, an invalid scope error is returned for the request.
OAuth provider
To provide more refined support for the OAuth scope handling, API Connect allows the Authentication URL user registry extension to modify the scope value.
When you define an OAuth provider, the Advanced scope check extensions provide the flexibility to check and override allowed scopes. The optional extensions are Application scope check and Owner scope check.
The scope that is eventually received by the application is determined by the interactions that are described in the three following paragraphs. Scope processing follows the sequence of items 1, 2, and 3 in the following list, offering three opportunities to override the scope value. Figure 1 provides an overview of the process.
- After the application successfully authenticates, and if API Connect makes a call to
allow extra verification and uses the contents of
to override the scope value that was initially requested by the application. When Application scope check is enabled, the HTTP response headerx-selected-scope
must be present, or the call fails.
is configured, - If API Connect makes a call, as
documented in Authentication URL user registry. When the response code is HTTP
200, and the response header
is present, the value that is configured inx-selected-scope
is used as the new scope value, overriding both what the application already requested and what was provided in the Application scope check described in paragraph 1. In the response header,x-selected-scope
is an optional element.
is configured to authenticate application users using an Authentication URL, then - After the user successfully authenticates, and if API Connect makes a call to
allow the content of
to refine the scope value. When Owner scope check is enabled, the HTTP response headerx-selected-scope
must be present, or the call fails.
is enabled and configured with a valid URL,
The final scope permission that is granted by the access token is the result of the flow
described in items 1, 2, and 3. Figure 2
shows a more detailed view of the transaction flow with examples that show when
provides a new scope value.
Consumer API enforcement
request with an access token that contains the scope, or scopes, defined in the OAuth provider. If
the request doesn't contain a scope, you must specify a default scope to use. If no default scope is
defined, and the request doesn't contain a scope, an invalid scope error is returned for the
request.GET /getaccount
X-IBM-Client-Id: 8888-8888-8888
Authorization: Bearer AAEkNjVkOWIyYjgtOWY5ZS00YWQwLWIyYzktZ
type: oauth2
description: ''
flow: implicit
authorizationUrl: ''
checking: 'Checking Account'
saving: 'Saving Account'
mutual: 'Mutual Fund Account'
- scope-only:
- checking
- scope-only:
- saving
- mutual
is able
to access the API because it contains one, or a combination of scope-only
that is
defined in secure-banking.yaml such as:checking
saving mutual
checking saving mutual
Administrators can enable an additional scope check by configuring the consumer API property
Advanced Scope Check URL that becomes x-scopeValidate
as shown in the following OpenAPI file example.
type: oauth2
description: ''
flow: implicit
authorizationUrl: ''
checking: 'Checking Account'
saving: 'Saving Account'
mutual: 'Mutual Fund Account'
url: ''
tls-profile: 'ssl-client'
After API Connect
successfully verifies the access token against any scope requirement, API Connect will make an
request to the x-scopeValidate
endpoint similar to the
following example. Response code HTTP 200 from the endpoint indicates a
success. Any other response code, or a connection error, is treated as a permission error for the
POST /validate-scope?app-name=..&appid=..&org=..&orgid=..&catalog=..&catalogid=..&transid=..
Content-Type: application/json
{"context-root" : checking,
"resource" : accountinfo,
"method" : GET,
"api-scope-required" : [jointaccount],
"access_token" : {"client_id" : "2cd71759-1003-4a1e-becb-0474d73455f3",
"not_after" : 174364070,
"not_after_text" : "2017-07-11T02:27:50Z",
"not_before" : 174360470,
"not_before_text" : "2017-07-11T01:27:50Z",
"grant_type" : "code",
"consented_on" : 1499736470,
"consented_on_text" : "2059-07-11T01:27:50Z",
"resource_owner" : "cn=spoon,",
"scope" : "jointaccount mutual",
"miscinfo" : "[r:gateway]"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Cache-Control: no-store
Pragma: no-cache
X-Custom-For-Assemble-Process: audit
Any HTTP response header that begins with "x-
" is kept as the context variable
. Based on the example successful response,
X-Custom-For-Assemble-Process: audit
oauth.advanced-consent.x-custom-for-assemble-process, and can be
accessed in the assemble step.
You can optionally use additional fields for validation:
- Request Header
- Defines the regular expression to match against request headers. Matching headers are included in the request to the advanced scope validation endpoint.
- Response Context Variable
Defines the regular expression to match against response headers. Matching headers are saved as context variables in the format