Gathering postmortem logs
The logs to gather for upload to a support case.
The mustgather
See the appropriate page for your platform:
Gathering the pod logs
If the
script fails, the pod logs can be gathered manually:- VMware: SSH into your analytics VM and run apic logs:
- Use an SSH client to login as the
user:ssh apicadm@<analytics VM FQDN>
to root:sudo -i
- Run the apic logs command:
apic logs
- Two compressed files are created: appliance-logs, and node-logs. Copy both files off the VM and upload to the support case.
- Use an SSH client to login as the
- Kubernetes and Openshift: Get the logs from all analytics pods in your environment. Use
where:kubectl -n <namespace> logs <analytics pod name> > <analytics pod name>.log
- <namespace> is the namespace of your analytics subsystem.
- <analytics pod name> is the name of the analytics pod. See the list of analytics pods.
The logs for each pod are written to the file <analytics pod name>.log. Upload all the generated logs to the support case.
Getting the OpenSearch cluster status
If the
script fails you can use the toolkit CLI to get the status
of your OpenSearch cluster, and
a list of the indices.- Follow the steps to install and configure the toolkit CLI.
- Login to the CLI as the cloud admin
apic login --server <platform api endpoint> --username admin --realm provider/default-idp-1
- Get the OpenSearch cluster
apic --mode analytics clustermgmt:catIndices --server <platform api endpoint> --analytics-service <analytics service name> --format json
- Get the details of the OpenSearch indices
apic --mode analytics clustermgmt:catIndices --server <platform api endpoint> --analytics-service <analytics service name> --format json