Upgrading v2018 subsystems to v10

Install the new v10 system and configure each subsystem with configuration information from 2018.

Before you begin

You must have completed Preparing the 2018 deployment for upgrade.

About this task

To upgrade the Management subsystem from 2018 to the latest v10 version, you will do a fresh install of v10, and then run a script to load management data from 2018. For the Developer Portal subsystem and the Analytics subsystem, you will do a fresh install of each subsystem; for Portal only, you will then restore data from the 2018 backup.

When all subsystem upgrades are complete, you can upgrade DataPower Gateway. Optionally, you can then install the API Connect toolkit and the Lightweight Test Environment.


  1. Obtain the API Connect files from IBM Fix Central.
    Note: When upgrading from 2018 to the latest v10 version, you will use the same Fix Central files as are used for a new API Connect installation. Do not use the separate product distribution files for upgrade of each subsystem on VMware.

    The following files are used for upgrading from 2018 on VMware:

    IBM® API Connect <version> Management for VMware
    Management subsystem files
    IBM® API Connect <version> Developer Portal for VMware
    Developer Portal subsystem files
    IBM® API Connect <version> Analytics for VMware
    Analytics subsystem files
    IBM® API Connect <version> Install Assist for <operating_system_type>
    The apicup installation utility. Required for all installations on VMware.
  2. Install the installation utility.
    1. Locate the apicup installation utility file for your operating system.
    2. Rename the file for your OS type to apicup. Note that the instructions in this documentation refer to apicup.
    3. Make apicup accessible on your operating system:
      Operating system Configuration
      OSX and Linux®
      1. Make the apicup file an executable file: chmod +x apicup
      2. Set your path to the location of your apicup file:
        export PATH=$PATH:/Users/your_path/
      Windows: Set your path to the location of your apicup file:
      set PATH=c:\your_path;%PATH%
  3. Use the following links to upgrade the subsystems, in the specified order:
  4. Upgrade the DataPower Gateway. See Upgrading DataPower Gateway Service.

    DataPower Gateways requires a firmware upgrade from 2018 to 10 after the upgrade of the other API Connect subsystems is complete.

  5. Optionally, install new versions of other API Connect packages:

    For each of the following distribution packages there is no upgrade process. You replace the existing tools or binaries with the new versions for the latest version of v10.

    IBM® API Connect <version> Toolkit for <operating_system_type>
    Toolkit command line utility. Packaged standalone, or with API Designer or Loopback:
    • IBM® API Connect <version> Toolkit for <operating_system_type>
    • IBM® API Connect <version> Toolkit with Loopback for <operating_system_type>
    • IBM® API Connect <version> Toolkit Designer with Loopback for <operating_system_type>

    Not required during initial installation. After installation, you can download directly from the Cloud Manager UI and API Manager UI. See Installing the toolkit.

    IBM® API Connect <version> Local Test Environment
    Optional test environment. See Testing an API with the Local Test Environment
    IBM® API Connect <version> Security Signature Bundle File
    Checksum files that you can use to verify the integrity of your downloads.
  6. When you complete the installation and configuration, best practice is to immediately take backups of the new v10 deployment. See: