Backing up and restoring the Developer Portal

You can backup and restore a Developer Portal in a VMware environment.

About this task

It is strongly recommended that you configure the backup parameters for your portal service during installation. If you did not do so when you installed API Connect in your runtime environment, you must configure the backups for the Developer Portal before performing an upgrade. These backups can then be used to restore the Developer Portal if required. When your Developer Portal subsystem is running, you can also make on-demand backups by using the command line.

  • You must backup both the Management and Portal subsystems at the same time, to ensure synchronicity across the services.
  • When restoring, the Management, Analytics, and Developer Portal subsystems must be at the same version and fix pack level.

The default Developer Portal backup schedule is once every 24 hours, but the schedule can be changed in the backup settings. The Developer Portal saves all system and site backups locally, and also saves them remotely based on the configured SFTP and s3 settings.

The local backups are automatically maintained so that the latest three backups of each site and of the system are kept, and older backups are removed. This maintenance means that the Developer Portal retains the latest three backups for each site and for the system however old they are, but there is no deletion of the old backups on the remote server. If a site is deleted, then all of the local backups for that site are also deleted, as otherwise the backup volume might become full of old site backups. For remote backups, you can configure a retention policy on your remote server to remove the old backup files as required.

  • To complete a backup and restore of your Portal Subsystem, you must use apicup to configure the backup settings.

  • Backups can be scheduled or generated manually (on-demand).

  • You can then list the available backups are available and select one to restore your Portal Subsystem when necessary.

  • Supported backup types:
    • Cloud-based S3 storage
      • IBM Cloud Object Storage
      • AWS S3
    • SFTP