Adding disk space to a VMware appliance
Increase disk space on the VMware appliance.
About this task
For multi-node deployment of the appliance, only one VM at a time should have its disk space
augmented. The subsystem should be in good health before proceeding to the next node. Health of the
subsystem can be checked with apicup subsys health-check <subsystem-name>
The increased disk capacity of a VMware appliance won't be reflected in the storage size of the PVCs that are hosted on the appliance, as those PVCs are immutable. This restriction doesn't impact the Portal and Analytics subsystems, as the PVC storage size isn't used to enforce any disk usage limit, so the subsystems can use all of the additional disk space. However, for the Management subsystem the PVC storage size is used in the database storage utilization computation, and that might trigger disk usage warnings.
The most common reason for the Management subsystem database to run out of disk space, is due to Write Ahead Log (WAL) file accumulation in relation to an incorrectly configured backup, or an unavailable backup server. If this type of condition arises, adding disk space might help with the health of the appliance control plane, but it won't increase the disk space that's available to the database, so you must resolve the WAL file accumulation condition. If the disk space that's available to the Management database must be increased, you should carry out a disaster recovery operation of the Management subsystem, using a larger data disk size for the new installation, so that adding disk space after the install won't be needed.