Configuring the default number of items in a view list in the Developer Portal
You can configure the default number of items that are displayed in a view list in the Developer Portal.
Before you begin
You must have administrator access to the Developer Portal to complete this task.
About this task
In the Developer Portal, you can manage how many items in a list are shown for each page on a view. For more information about views, see Using the Views module in the Developer Portal.
To configure the search results view, complete the following steps.
- Log in to the Developer Portal as an administrator.
- If the administrator dashboard is not displayed, click Manage to display it.
On the administrator dashboard, click
.The list of views is displayed.
- In the list, find the view name that you want to update, for example, Products, then click Edit.
- Click Pager.
- Select Display a specified number of items, click Apply.
- Set the Items per page as required, click Apply.
- Click Save to make your changes permanent.