Tutorial: Creating Accounts and Applications on the Developer Portal

This tutorial shows you how to create a developer account and register an application on the Developer Portal.

Before you begin

You must have a Developer Portal installed, and created and published at least one API product.

If you do not have a Developer Portal available, complete the tutorial Creating a Developer Portal.

If you don't have an API product available, you can download one of the following APIs, and then import and activate it:
  • If your Sandbox catalog uses a DataPower® Gateway (v5 compatible) (as one of the gateways, or as the only gateway), download the findbranch.txt file to your local filesystem. Rename this file findbranch.yaml.
  • If your Sandbox catalog uses a DataPower API Gateway, download the findbranch_v6.txt file to your local filesystem. Rename this file findbranch.yaml.
For more information about importing an API, see Adding a REST API by importing an OpenAPI definition file.

About this task

In this tutorial you are going to complete the following lessons:
Note: The administrator account cannot create an App, or register to an App. To create or register to an App, you must have a developer account. A developer account that has been assigned administrator privileges can create and register Apps.

Creating a developer account in the Developer Portal

Take the following steps to create a developer account:

  1. Follow the instructions provided on Creating a Developer Portal and open the Developer Portal.
  2. Click Create account. If the Create account link is not visible, log out as Admin from the Developer Portal first, go to the home page of the Developer Portal, and click Create account.
    Note: Your email is used as your user name for the Developer Portal. The email address must be different from the address used for creating the administrator account.
  3. Complete the sign up form. The email address you provide must be functional. Click Sign up. A confirmation message is sent to the email address provided in the form.

    Sign up form

  4. Click the account activation link in the confirmation email to activate your account.
  5. To use the Developer Portal, click Sign in and sign in with the user credentials you specified.

Creating a Developer Portal Application

To create and register a new App:

  1. In the Developer Portal, click Create a new App.
    Note: You cannot register new applications if you are logged in as the administrator.

    Portal Developer home

  2. Enter the following values for the application that is being registered.
    Table 1. Values for registering the application
    Field Name Value
    Title AppOne
    Application OAuth Redirect URL(s) http://example.com

    Create app

  3. Click Save.
  4. Copy the key and secret values for the new app. Click OK.

    Create app

  5. Click OK.

    You see the Subscriptions page.App status

Subscribing to an API in the Developer Portal

  1. Click API Products.
  2. In the Name field, enter FindBranch and click on the product name .
  3. Under Plans, click Select.
  4. Under the Application heading, click AppOne.
  5. Under Subscribe, click Next to confirm the subscription.
  6. Under Summary, click Done after confirming the subscription details.
To view the current subscription details of your application, perform the following steps:
  1. Under Apps, select AppOne.
  2. Click Subscription.

Testing An API in the Developer Portal

  1. Click API Products in the Developer Portal dashboard.
  2. Click a Product, such as FindBranch auto product , then select the FindBranch API from the list.
  3. Click GET /details.

    FindBranch API detail

  4. Click Try it.

    FindBranch try it

  5. Click Send.
    Note: If no response is received, navigate to the URL that is displayed at the beginning of the Try this operation section, in a new browser tab. Accept the security certificate, and then call the operation again.
  6. A returned response of 200 OK and the message body are displayed, indicating that the REST API operation call was successful.

    FindBranch success

What you did in this tutorial

In this tutorial, you completed the following activities:
  • Created a developer account in the Developer Portal.
  • Created and registered a new App, and subscribed it to a Plan.
  • Tested an API in the Developer Portal.