Analytics pods and PVCs

See the complete list of pods and physical volume claims that comprise an API Connect analytics deployment.

Table 1 provides the name and a brief description of each microservice.

Table 1. Analytics microservices
Name Description
osinit OpenSearch initialization job.
director NodeJS microservice handling inbound communication, service registration, proxies calls to storage and ingestion.
ingestion Logstash-based data pipeline for receiving and routing data to internal or external storage.
mtls-gw OpenResty-based service for routing ingress traffic to client or ingestion.
storage If the shared storage type is selected, the storage pods contain both your analytics data and the OpenSearch cluster management processes. If the dedicated storage type is selected, the storage pods contain just the analytics data.
storage-os-master If the dedicated storage topology is selected, the storage-os-master pods are created and manage the OpenSearch cluster in your deployment.
Table 2. Analytics PVCs
Name Description
data-analytics-storage-<integer> A PVC is created for each analytics storage pod. <integer> is the replica number, starting from 0.
data-analytics-storage-os-master-<integer> If dedicated storage type is selected, then the storage-os-master PVCs are created for the storage-os-master pods.
data-analytics-ingestion-<integer> If the persistent queue feature is enabled, a PVC is created for each ingestion pod. <integer> is the replica number, starting from 0. See Configuring the persistent queue.