apic analytics-services
Analytics Service commands |
apic analytics-services - Analytics Service collection operations.
apic analytics-services:clear - Clear the Analytics Services.
apic analytics-services:create - Create a Analytics Service.
apic analytics-services:delete - Delete the Analytics Service by name or
apic analytics-services:get - Get the Analytics Service by name or ID.
apic analytics-services:list - List the Analytics Services.
apic analytics-services:update - Update the Analytics Service by name or
apic associates
Associates commands |
apic associates - Associate collection operations.
apic associates:get - Get the Associate by name or ID.
apic associates:list - List the Associates.
apic availability-zones
Availability Zone commands |
apic availability-zones - Availability Zone collection operations.
apic availability-zones:clear - Clear the Availability Zones.
apic availability-zones:create - Create a Availability Zone.
apic availability-zones:delete - Delete the Availability Zone by name or
apic availability-zones:get - Get the Availability Zone by name or ID.
apic availability-zones:list - List the Availability Zones.
apic availability-zones:update - Update the Availability Zone by name or
apic cloud-settings
Cloud settings commands |
apic cloud-settings:get - Get the Cloud Setting.
apic cloud-settings:mail-server-configured -
indicates whether a mail server has been configured.
apic cloud-settings:topology - Returns summary details of the configuration of
your cloud topology.
apic cloud-settings:update - Update the Cloud Setting.
apic configured-gateway-services |
Commands for Configured Gateway Services in a Catalog or Space. |
apic configured-gateway-services - Configured Gateway Services operations.
apic configured-gateway-services:clear - Delete all Configured Gateway Services
from a Catalog or Space.
apic configured-gateway-services:create - Configure a Gateway Service in a
Catalog or Space.
apic configured-gateway-services:delete - Delete a Configured Gateway Service
from a Catalog or Space.
apic configured-gateway-services:get - Obtain the details of a Configured
Gateway Service in a Catalog or Space.
apic configured-gateway-services:list - List the Configured Gateway Services in
a Catalog or Space.
apic credentials
Credential commands |
apic credentials - Application Credential collection operations.
apic credentials:clear - Clear the Application Credentials.
apic credentials:create - Create a Application Credential.
apic credentials:delete - Delete the Application Credential by name or ID.
apic credentials:get - Get the Application Credential by name or ID.
apic credentials:list - List the Application Credentials.
apic credentials:reset - Reset the client id and client secret.
apic credentials:reset-client-secret - Reset the client secret.
apic credentials:update - Update the Application Credential by name or ID.
apic credentials:verify-client-secret - Verify the client secret.
apic extensions
Extension commands |
apic extensions - Extension collection operations.
apic extensions:document - Get the document for an extension by id, or by name
and version.
apic extensions:get - Get an extension by id, or by name and version.
apic extensions:list - List all versions of an extension given the name.
apic extensions:list-all - List all versions of all extensions.
apic gateway-services
Gateway service commands |
apic gateway-services - Gateway Service collection operations.
apic gateway-services:clear - Clear the Gateway Services.
apic gateway-services:create - Create a Gateway Service.
apic gateway-services:delete - Delete the Gateway Service by name or ID.
apic gateway-services:get - Get the Gateway Service by name or ID.
apic gateway-services:list - List the Gateway Services.
apic gateway-services:reset-oauth-secret - Reset the OAuth cryptographic
apic gateway-services:update - Update the Gateway Service by name or ID.
apic integrations
Integrations commands |
apic integrations - Integration collection operations.
apic integrations:clear - Clear the Integrations.
apic integrations:clear-all - Clear all of the Integrations in all of the
apic integrations:create - Create a Integration.
apic integrations:delete - Delete the Integration by name or ID.
apic integrations:get - Get the Integration by name or ID.
apic integrations:list - List the Integrations.
apic integrations:list-all - List all Integrations in all collections.
apic integrations:update - Update the Integration by name or ID.
apic keystores
Keystores commands |
apic keystores - Keystore collection operations.
apic keystores:clear - Clear the Keystores.
apic keystores:create - Create a Keystore.
apic keystores:delete - Delete the Keystore by name or ID.
apic keystores:get - Get the Keystore by name or ID.
apic keystores:list - List the Keystores.
apic keystores:update - Update the Keystore by name or ID.
apic mail-servers
Mail server commands |
apic mail-servers - Mail Server collection operations.
apic mail-servers:clear - Clear the Mail Servers.
apic mail-servers:create - Create a Mail Server.
apic mail-servers:delete - Delete the Mail Server by name or ID.
apic mail-servers:get - Get the Mail Server by name or ID.
apic mail-servers:list - List the Mail Servers.
apic mail-servers:test-connection - Test a mail
server connection.
apic mail-servers:update - Update the Mail Server by name or ID.
apic notification-templates
Notification template commands |
apic notification-templates - Notification Template collection operations.
apic notification-templates:get - Get the Notification Template by name or
apic notification-templates:list - List the Notification Templates.
apic notification-templates:list-all - List all Notification Templates in all
apic notification-templates:update - Update the Notification Template by name
or ID.
apic permissions
Permissions commands |
apic permissions - Permission collection operations.
apic permissions:get - Get the Permission by name or ID.
apic permissions:list - List the Permissions.
apic permissions:list-all - List all Permissions in all collections.
apic portal-services
Portal services commands |
apic portal-services - Portal Service collection operations.
apic portal-services:clear - Clear the Portal Services.
apic portal-services:create - Create a Portal Service.
apic portal-services:delete - Delete the Portal Service by name or ID.
apic portal-services:get - Get the Portal Service by name or ID.
apic portal-services:list - List the Portal Services.
apic portal-services:update - Update the Portal Service by name or ID.
apic services
Services commands |
apic services - Service collection operations.
apic services:clear - Clear the Services.
apic services:clear-all - Clear all Services in all collections.
apic services:create - Create a Service.
apic services:delete - Delete a Service.
apic services:get - Get the Service by name and version.
apic services:list - List the Services.
apic services:list-all - List all Services in all collections.
apic services:update - Update the Service by name and version.
apic space-settings
Space settings commands |
apic space-settings:get - Get the Space Setting.
apic space-settings:update - Update the Space Setting.
apic spaces
Space commands |
apic spaces - Space collection operations.
apic spaces:clear - Clear the Spaces.
apic spaces:create - Create a Space.
apic spaces:delete - Delete the Space by name or ID.
apic spaces:get - Get the Space by name or ID.
apic spaces:list - List the Spaces.
apic spaces:transfer-owner - Transfer owner to a new member.
apic spaces:update - Update the Space by name or ID.
apic tls-client-profiles
TLS client profile commands |
apic tls-client-profiles - TLS Client Profile collection operations.
apic tls-client-profiles:clear - Clear the TLS Client Profiles.
apic tls-client-profiles:clear-all - Clear all of the TLS Client Profiles in
the collection.
apic tls-client-profiles:create - Create a TLS Client Profile.
apic tls-client-profiles:delete - Delete the TLS Client Profile by name or
apic tls-client-profiles:get - Get the TLS Client Profile by name or ID.
apic tls-client-profiles:list - List the TLS Client Profiles.
apic tls-client-profiles:list-all - Lists all of the TLS Client Profiles in a
apic tls-client-profiles:update - Update the TLS Client Profile by name or
apic tls-server-profiles
TLS server profile commands |
apic tls-server-profiles - TLS Server Profile collection operations.
apic tls-server-profiles:clear - Clear the TLS Server Profiles.
apic tls-server-profiles:clear-all - Clear all of the TLS Server Profiles in
the collection.
apic tls-server-profiles:create - Create a TLS Server Profile.
apic tls-server-profiles:delete - Delete the TLS Server Profile by name or
apic tls-server-profiles:get - Get the TLS Server Profile by name or ID.
apic tls-server-profiles:list - List the TLS Server Profiles.
apic tls-server-profiles:list-all - List all of the TLS Server Profiles in the
apic tls-server-profiles:update - Update the TLS Server Profile by name or
apic truststores
Truststore commands |
apic truststores - Truststore collection operations.
apic truststores:clear - Clear the Truststores.
apic truststores:create - Create a Truststore.
apic truststores:delete - Delete the Truststore by name or ID.
apic truststores:get - Get the Truststore by name or ID.
apic truststores:list - List the Truststores.
apic truststores:update - Update the Truststore by name or ID.
apic user-registries
User registry commands |
apic user-registries - User Registry collection operations.
apic user-registries:clear - Clear the User Registries.
apic user-registries:create - Create a User Registry.
apic user-registries:delete - Delete the User Registry by name or ID.
apic user-registries:execute - Execute a User Registry operation.
apic user-registries:get - Get the User Registry by name or ID.
apic user-registries:list - List the User Registries.
apic user-registries:search - search for users in a
user registry.
apic user-registries:test-connection - Test a User Registry connection.
apic user-registries:update - Update the User Registry by name or ID.
apic user-registry-settings
User registry settings commands |
apic user-registry-settings:get - Get the User Registry Setting.
apic user-registry-settings:update - Update the User Registry Setting.
apic users
Users commands |
apic users - User collection operations.
apic users:clear - Clear the Users.
apic users:create - Create a User.
apic users:delete - Delete the User by name or ID.
apic users:get - Get the User by name or ID.
apic users:list - List the Users.
apic users:request-password-reset - send a password
reset link.
apic users:search-provider - Search for provider
users from an organization.
apic users:update - Update the User by name or ID.
apic webhooks
Webhooks commands |
apic webhooks - Webhooks collection operations.
apic webhooks:get - Get the Webhooks by name or ID.
apic webhooks:list - List the Webhooks.
apic webhooks:update - Update the Webhooks by name or ID.