Cloud administration commands

A summary of the cloud administration commands in the IBM® API Connect developer toolkit.


Use the apic login command to authenticate to an API Manager service, and the apic logout command to remove your local authentication credentials.
Note: When you authenticate successfully, your credentials are stored, in plain text, in the file [Icon indicating that this applies on Linux platforms].netrc or [Icon indicating that this applies on Windows platforms]_netrc. You should therefore set the file permissions in such a way that your credentials are not accessible by others.

For full details on how to log in to your management server from the CLI, see Logging in to the management server.

Configuring the command-line tool to use TLS certificates

API Manager uses TLS profiles to secure data transmission. For information on how to create a TLS profile in API Manager, see TLS profiles.

To configure the toolkit command-line tool to use certificates to communicate with an API Manager that has TLS profiles enabled, follow these steps:

For more information about the NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS environment variable, see Node.js documentation.

Note: When using any CLI command that applies directly to the configuration of your IBM API Connect cloud, you must supply the parameter setting --org admin for a command that requires an organization name as a parameter.

Command summary

The following tables summarize apic commands for cloud administration.

Table 1. Summary commands for cloud administrators
Command Description Sub-commands
apic analytics-services Analytics Service commands
  • apic analytics-services - Analytics Service collection operations.
  • apic analytics-services:clear - Clear the Analytics Services.
  • apic analytics-services:create - Create a Analytics Service.
  • apic analytics-services:delete - Delete the Analytics Service by name or ID.
  • apic analytics-services:get - Get the Analytics Service by name or ID.
  • apic analytics-services:list - List the Analytics Services.
  • apic analytics-services:update - Update the Analytics Service by name or ID.
apic associates Associates commands
  • apic associates - Associate collection operations.
  • apic associates:get - Get the Associate by name or ID.
  • apic associates:list - List the Associates.
apic availability-zones Availability Zone commands
  • apic availability-zones - Availability Zone collection operations.
  • apic availability-zones:clear - Clear the Availability Zones.
  • apic availability-zones:create - Create a Availability Zone.
  • apic availability-zones:delete - Delete the Availability Zone by name or ID.
  • apic availability-zones:get - Get the Availability Zone by name or ID.
  • apic availability-zones:list - List the Availability Zones.
  • apic availability-zones:update - Update the Availability Zone by name or ID.
apic cloud-settings Cloud settings commands
  • apic cloud-settings:get - Get the Cloud Setting.
  • apic cloud-settings:mail-server-configured - indicates whether a mail server has been configured.
  • apic cloud-settings:topology - Returns summary details of the configuration of your cloud topology.
  • apic cloud-settings:update - Update the Cloud Setting.
apic configured-gateway-services Commands for Configured Gateway Services in a Catalog or Space.
  • apic configured-gateway-services - Configured Gateway Services operations.
  • apic configured-gateway-services:clear - Delete all Configured Gateway Services from a Catalog or Space.
  • apic configured-gateway-services:create - Configure a Gateway Service in a Catalog or Space.
  • apic configured-gateway-services:delete - Delete a Configured Gateway Service from a Catalog or Space.
  • apic configured-gateway-services:get - Obtain the details of a Configured Gateway Service in a Catalog or Space.
  • apic configured-gateway-services:list - List the Configured Gateway Services in a Catalog or Space.
apic credentials Credential commands
  • apic credentials - Application Credential collection operations.
  • apic credentials:clear - Clear the Application Credentials.
  • apic credentials:create - Create a Application Credential.
  • apic credentials:delete - Delete the Application Credential by name or ID.
  • apic credentials:get - Get the Application Credential by name or ID.
  • apic credentials:list - List the Application Credentials.
  • apic credentials:reset - Reset the client id and client secret.
  • apic credentials:reset-client-secret - Reset the client secret.
  • apic credentials:update - Update the Application Credential by name or ID.
  • apic credentials:verify-client-secret - Verify the client secret.
apic extensions Extension commands
  • apic extensions - Extension collection operations.
  • apic extensions:document - Get the document for an extension by id, or by name and version.
  • apic extensions:get - Get an extension by id, or by name and version.
  • apic extensions:list - List all versions of an extension given the name.
  • apic extensions:list-all - List all versions of all extensions.
apic gateway-services Gateway service commands
  • apic gateway-services - Gateway Service collection operations.
  • apic gateway-services:clear - Clear the Gateway Services.
  • apic gateway-services:create - Create a Gateway Service.
  • apic gateway-services:delete - Delete the Gateway Service by name or ID.
  • apic gateway-services:get - Get the Gateway Service by name or ID.
  • apic gateway-services:list - List the Gateway Services.
  • apic gateway-services:reset-oauth-secret - Reset the OAuth cryptographic
  • apic gateway-services:update - Update the Gateway Service by name or ID.
apic integrations Integrations commands
  • apic integrations - Integration collection operations.
  • apic integrations:clear - Clear the Integrations.
  • apic integrations:clear-all - Clear all of the Integrations in all of the collections.
  • apic integrations:create - Create a Integration.
  • apic integrations:delete - Delete the Integration by name or ID.
  • apic integrations:get - Get the Integration by name or ID.
  • apic integrations:list - List the Integrations.
  • apic integrations:list-all - List all Integrations in all collections.
  • apic integrations:update - Update the Integration by name or ID.
apic keystores Keystores commands
  • apic keystores - Keystore collection operations.
  • apic keystores:clear - Clear the Keystores.
  • apic keystores:create - Create a Keystore.
  • apic keystores:delete - Delete the Keystore by name or ID.
  • apic keystores:get - Get the Keystore by name or ID.
  • apic keystores:list - List the Keystores.
  • apic keystores:update - Update the Keystore by name or ID.
apic mail-servers Mail server commands
  • apic mail-servers - Mail Server collection operations.
  • apic mail-servers:clear - Clear the Mail Servers.
  • apic mail-servers:create - Create a Mail Server.
  • apic mail-servers:delete - Delete the Mail Server by name or ID.
  • apic mail-servers:get - Get the Mail Server by name or ID.
  • apic mail-servers:list - List the Mail Servers.
  • apic mail-servers:test-connection - Test a mail server connection.
  • apic mail-servers:update - Update the Mail Server by name or ID.
apic notification-templates Notification template commands
  • apic notification-templates - Notification Template collection operations.
  • apic notification-templates:get - Get the Notification Template by name or ID.
  • apic notification-templates:list - List the Notification Templates.
  • apic notification-templates:list-all - List all Notification Templates in all collections.
  • apic notification-templates:update - Update the Notification Template by name or ID.
apic permissions Permissions commands
  • apic permissions - Permission collection operations.
  • apic permissions:get - Get the Permission by name or ID.
  • apic permissions:list - List the Permissions.
  • apic permissions:list-all - List all Permissions in all collections.
apic portal-services Portal services commands
  • apic portal-services - Portal Service collection operations.
  • apic portal-services:clear - Clear the Portal Services.
  • apic portal-services:create - Create a Portal Service.
  • apic portal-services:delete - Delete the Portal Service by name or ID.
  • apic portal-services:get - Get the Portal Service by name or ID.
  • apic portal-services:list - List the Portal Services.
  • apic portal-services:update - Update the Portal Service by name or ID.
apic services Services commands
  • apic services - Service collection operations.
  • apic services:clear - Clear the Services.
  • apic services:clear-all - Clear all Services in all collections.
  • apic services:create - Create a Service.
  • apic services:delete - Delete a Service.
  • apic services:get - Get the Service by name and version.
  • apic services:list - List the Services.
  • apic services:list-all - List all Services in all collections.
  • apic services:update - Update the Service by name and version.
apic space-settings Space settings commands
  • apic space-settings:get - Get the Space Setting.
  • apic space-settings:update - Update the Space Setting.
apic spaces Space commands
  • apic spaces - Space collection operations.
  • apic spaces:clear - Clear the Spaces.
  • apic spaces:create - Create a Space.
  • apic spaces:delete - Delete the Space by name or ID.
  • apic spaces:get - Get the Space by name or ID.
  • apic spaces:list - List the Spaces.
  • apic spaces:transfer-owner - Transfer owner to a new member.
  • apic spaces:update - Update the Space by name or ID.
apic tls-client-profiles TLS client profile commands
  • apic tls-client-profiles - TLS Client Profile collection operations.
  • apic tls-client-profiles:clear - Clear the TLS Client Profiles.
  • apic tls-client-profiles:clear-all - Clear all of the TLS Client Profiles in the collection.
  • apic tls-client-profiles:create - Create a TLS Client Profile.
  • apic tls-client-profiles:delete - Delete the TLS Client Profile by name or ID.
  • apic tls-client-profiles:get - Get the TLS Client Profile by name or ID.
  • apic tls-client-profiles:list - List the TLS Client Profiles.
  • apic tls-client-profiles:list-all - Lists all of the TLS Client Profiles in a collection.
  • apic tls-client-profiles:update - Update the TLS Client Profile by name or ID.
apic tls-server-profiles TLS server profile commands
  • apic tls-server-profiles - TLS Server Profile collection operations.
  • apic tls-server-profiles:clear - Clear the TLS Server Profiles.
  • apic tls-server-profiles:clear-all - Clear all of the TLS Server Profiles in the collection.
  • apic tls-server-profiles:create - Create a TLS Server Profile.
  • apic tls-server-profiles:delete - Delete the TLS Server Profile by name or ID.
  • apic tls-server-profiles:get - Get the TLS Server Profile by name or ID.
  • apic tls-server-profiles:list - List the TLS Server Profiles.
  • apic tls-server-profiles:list-all - List all of the TLS Server Profiles in the collection.
  • apic tls-server-profiles:update - Update the TLS Server Profile by name or ID.
apic truststores Truststore commands
  • apic truststores - Truststore collection operations.
  • apic truststores:clear - Clear the Truststores.
  • apic truststores:create - Create a Truststore.
  • apic truststores:delete - Delete the Truststore by name or ID.
  • apic truststores:get - Get the Truststore by name or ID.
  • apic truststores:list - List the Truststores.
  • apic truststores:update - Update the Truststore by name or ID.
apic user-registries User registry commands
  • apic user-registries - User Registry collection operations.
  • apic user-registries:clear - Clear the User Registries.
  • apic user-registries:create - Create a User Registry.
  • apic user-registries:delete - Delete the User Registry by name or ID.
  • apic user-registries:execute - Execute a User Registry operation.
  • apic user-registries:get - Get the User Registry by name or ID.
  • apic user-registries:list - List the User Registries.
  • apic user-registries:search - search for users in a user registry.
  • apic user-registries:test-connection - Test a User Registry connection.
  • apic user-registries:update - Update the User Registry by name or ID.
apic user-registry-settings User registry settings commands
  • apic user-registry-settings:get - Get the User Registry Setting.
  • apic user-registry-settings:update - Update the User Registry Setting.
apic users Users commands
  • apic users - User collection operations.
  • apic users:clear - Clear the Users.
  • apic users:create - Create a User.
  • apic users:delete - Delete the User by name or ID.
  • apic users:get - Get the User by name or ID.
  • apic users:list - List the Users.
  • apic users:request-password-reset - send a password reset link.
  • apic users:search-provider - Search for provider users from an organization.
  • apic users:update - Update the User by name or ID.
apic webhooks Webhooks commands
  • apic webhooks - Webhooks collection operations.
  • apic webhooks:get - Get the Webhooks by name or ID.
  • apic webhooks:list - List the Webhooks.
  • apic webhooks:update - Update the Webhooks by name or ID.