Turning off ratings for specific content types in the Developer Portal

You can turn off ratings for specific content types in the Developer Portal by hiding the ratings field.

Before you begin

You must have administrator access to the Developer Portal to complete this task.


To turn off ratings for specific content types in the Developer Portal, complete the following steps:

  1. If the administrator dashboard is not displayed, click Manage to display it.
  2. Click Structure in the administrator dashboard.
  3. Click Content types.
  4. In the OPERATIONS column for the required content type, select Manage fields from the drop-down list.
  5. Click on the Manage form display tab. In the FIELD list, select Rating and drag and drop it into the Disabled section, then click Save.
  6. Click on the Manage display tab. Content items are displayed by using different view modes, such as Default, Card, and Teaser, and these modes are shown at the beginning of the Manage display page. For each view mode that is applicable to the content type you're editing, click the mode, and in the FIELD list select Rating, and drag and drop it into the Disabled section.
  7. Click Save.