Verifying deployment of the Analytics subsystem
Verify that deployment of the Analytics OVA file succeeded.
Before you begin
About this task
After you configure an ISO and deploy it with the Analytics subsystem OVA, as described in Deploying the Analytics subsystem OVA file, verify that the subsystem installed correctly and is functional.
Log in to the virtual machine by using an SSH tool to check the status of the
Enter the following command to connect to analyt using SSH:
You are logging in with the default ID of apicadm, which is the API Connect ID that has administrator privileges.ssh ip_address -l apicadm
Select Yes to continue connecting.
Your host names are automatically added to your list of hosts.
Run the apic status command to verify that the installation
completed and the system is running correctly.
The command output for a correctly running Analytics system is similar to the following:
#sudo apic status INFO[0000] Log level: info Cluster members: - ( Version: 4.4.1 Type: BOOTSTRAP_MASTER Install stage: DONE Upgrade stage: UPGRADE_DONE Subsystem type: analytics Subsystem version: Subsystem detail: Reboot Required: false Containerd status: Systemd unit: running Kubernetes status: Systemd unit: running Kubelet version: apimdev0239 (5.4.0-122-generic) [Kubelet v1.23.5, Proxy v1.23.5] Etcd status: pod etcd-apimdev0239 in namespace kube-system has status Running Addons: calico, cert-manager-v1, dns, kube-proxy, local-volume-provisioner, metrics-server, Disk Space Available: 226G/245G | Used: 4% Inodes Available: 16M/16M | Used: 1% Containers: 21 - Running: 21 - Exited: 7 - Unknown: 0 Images: 32 Etcd cluster state: - etcd member name:, member id: 15210952383217851221, cluster id: 8720375562272123817, leader id: 15210952383217851221, revision: 2538453, version: 3.5.4 Pods Summary: NODE NAMESPACE NAME READY STATUS REASON apimdev0239 certmanager cert-manager-84f999d4c7-jz8p6 1/1 Running apimdev0239 certmanager cert-manager-cainjector-5dc89f744d-7mbms 1/1 Running apimdev0239 certmanager cert-manager-webhook-7497758675-vn4hp 1/1 Running apimdev0239 default cpd-analytics-director-7d584d8ffd-qts9c 1/1 Running apimdev0239 default cpd-analytics-ingestion-0 1/1 Running apimdev0239 default cpd-analytics-mtls-gw-f647687d6-9rbpd 1/1 Running apimdev0239 default cpd-analytics-osinit-md7cn 0/1 Succeeded apimdev0239 default cpd-analytics-storage-0 1/1 Running apimdev0239 default ibm-apiconnect-8cd7cb6bd-vjwv2 1/1 Running apimdev0239 kube-system calico-kube-controllers-789ff9469b-xrttr 1/1 Running apimdev0239 kube-system calico-node-8tfrx 1/1 Running apimdev0239 kube-system coredns-79f7dbf799-7dmn6 1/1 Running apimdev0239 kube-system coredns-79f7dbf799-9qgnk 1/1 Running apimdev0239 kube-system etcd-apimdev0239 1/1 Running apimdev0239 kube-system ingress-nginx-ingress-controller-96k8k 1/1 Running apimdev0239 kube-system kube-apiserver-apimdev0239 1/1 Running apimdev0239 kube-system kube-apiserver-proxy-apimdev0239 1/1 Running apimdev0239 kube-system kube-controller-manager-apimdev0239 1/1 Running apimdev0239 kube-system kube-proxy-j4lbz 1/1 Running apimdev0239 kube-system kube-scheduler-apimdev0239 1/1 Running apimdev0239 kube-system local-volume-provisioner-rlfjs 1/1 Running apimdev0239 kube-system metrics-server-d9fffcbc9-nmcgr 1/1 Running
Enter the following command to connect to analyt using SSH:
- If you have now installed all subsystems, continue to Post-deployment steps.