Changing the front page banner block
You can change the front page banner content and image that is displayed on the home page when a user first logs in to the Developer Portal.
Before you begin
You must have administrator or content author access to complete this task.
About this task
To change the front page banner block, complete the following steps.
- If the administrator dashboard is not displayed, click Manage to display it.
Click Blocks and enter welcome in the
Block description
field. -
Click Edit against the Welcome Banner block
The Edit Basic block Welcome Banner page is displayed.
Edit the Body section with the content and image that you require.
You can set the text format to Full HTML, Basic HTML, Restricted HTML, or Github Markdown. You can use the edit icons in the Body section to configure your content. Click the Source icon
to view and edit the code source, such as HTML.
- Configure the language and translation settings as required.
- Click Save to save your changes.