Adding and changing the blocks displayed on Developer Portal pages

You can add new blocks, and modify the existing blocks that are displayed on Developer Portal pages.

Before you begin

You must have administrator access to the Developer Portal to complete this task.

About this task

Blocks are boxes of content that are rendered into an area, or region, of a page. The content can be custom HTML, Github Markdown, or plain text, and you can specify the appearance, size, position, and also configure which pages a block appears on by editing its visibility settings. You can also modify an existing block to change its appearance, size, position, and visibility.


To add a new basic block, complete the following steps.

  1. If the administrator dashboard is not displayed, click Manage to display it.
  2. Click Structure, then click Block layout.
    All of the blocks that are in the system are displayed by theme. From the Block layout page you can assign blocks to a region, and control the order of the blocks within the region. Blocks are positioned on a per-theme basis, so if you enable more than one theme on your site, you can place blocks differently for each theme.
  3. Click Place block > Add custom block.
    The Add custom block page is displayed.
  4. Complete the Block description field.
  5. Enter the content that you require for your block into the Body section.
    You can set the text format to Full HTML, Basic HTML, Restricted HTML, or Github Markdown. You can use the edit icons in the Body section to configure your content. Click the Source icon The Source icon. to enter code source, such as HTML.
    The Blocks create page.
  6. Click Save.
    The new custom block is saved and the Configure block page is displayed.
  7. Complete the block Title field.
  8. In the Visibility section, specify how you want the block to be displayed.
    You can specify the content types, configure the language settings, restrict the block to show only on pages that display specific content types, set which pages the block is displayed on, and restrict which user roles the block is visible to.
    The Visibility section.
  9. In the Region section, select the region where the block should be displayed.
  10. Click Save block.
    The new custom block is added to your Developer Portal site.

To edit the content of an existing block, from the Block layout page complete the following steps.

  1. Click the Custom block library tab (or select Structure > Block layout > Custom block library from the administrator dashboard).
  2. Click Edit alongside the required block.
  3. Change the block description and body content as required.
  4. Click Save to save your changes.

To modify the layout or visibility settings of an existing block, from the Block layout page complete the following steps.

  1. To change the region in which a block is positioned, select the required Region from the drop-down list next to the required block.
  2. To change the vertical sort-order of a block within a region, drag the block to the required position.
  3. To edit the visibility settings of an existing block, click Configure from the Operations drop-down menu next to the required block.
  4. To enable or disable an existing block, select Enable or Disable from the Operations drop-down menu next to the required block.
  5. Click Save blocks to save your changes.