Restoring the v2018 data to the v10 target deployment

Restore the saved configuration and backups from the source deployment onto the target deployment.

Before you begin

  • Complete the installation of v10 for your target platform:
  • If you want to migrate any changes on your v2018 deployment that happened since you did the extract process, repeat the extract steps:
  • Ensure that any network route between the target installation and the source system is disabled. The target system must not be able to communicate with the source system.
  • OVA Users: All operations are run from the apicv10install directory, which you copied to your VMs after installation: Installing the v10 target system on VMware. SSH to your target VMs as the apicadm user, run 'sudo -i', and cd to this directory:
    ssh apicadm@<VM hostname>
    sudo -i
    cd /root/<apicv10install directory>
  • Ensure you have the v10 toolkit CLI setup in your apicv10install directory, see Installing the v10 toolkit. Set your PATH variable as follows:
    EXPORT PATH=<full path of apicv10install directory>:$PATH
    Verify that you can log in to the Management server as the Cloud Manager admin user with the toolkit CLI:
    apic login --server <platform_api_endpoint> --username admin --realm admin/default-idp-1
    where <platform_api_endpoint> is the FQDN of the platform api endpoint that is defined for your v10 Management subsystem. To find this:
    • OpenShift: Run
      oc get routes -n <apic namespace> | grep platform-api
    • Kubernetes: Run
      kubectl get ingress -n <apic namespace> | grep platform-api
    • OVA: The platform api endpoint is defined in your apiconnect-up-v10.yml file.
    The password is the same as the admin user password for the Cloud Manager UI, and is set to the default for a new v10 installation on your platform. For more information, see v10 toolkit CLI login.
  • Update your gateway_portal_mapping.yaml mapping file in your apicv10install directory, adding your v10 endpoints. For any subsystems that you do not want to migrate, leave them set to the placeholder value. The example below shows a mapping file where the gateway service called v5gway_service_1 is not migrated.
    You can find your new v10 endpoints with:
    • OpenShift:
      oc get routes -n <apic namespace>
    • Kubernetes:
      kubectl get ingress -n <apic namespace>
    • OVA: Endpoints are defined in your apiconnect-up-v10.yml file.
    Note: On the gateway appliance, the Gateway Manager URL uses port 3000. The port number is appended to the v10 endpoint in the mappings file. For example,
    Unmigrated subsystems can be migrated later, see Migrating additional v2018 subsystems: Staged migration.
    Note: If you want your v10 target deployment to use the same endpoint URLs as your v2018 source deployment, you can skip updating this file.

About this task

In this task, migration scripts are used to:

  • Restore the Management subsystem.
  • Register Gateways and Portals on the target system.
  • Update Portals in the catalog to point to new Portal systems.
  • Restore Portal backups for each site.
  • Update Gateways in the catalog to point to new Gateway systems.

All operations in this task are run from your apicv10install directory.

Note: It is recommended that you keep the console output of all python scripts that are run. On most MacOS and Linux environments, appending the following to the end of the command saves the output to the specified file:
2>&1 | tee <output filename>


  1. Verify that all pods in your v10 target deployment are running and no errors are reported:
    • Kubernetes:
      kubectl get pods -n <namespace>
    • OpenShift:
      oc get pods -n <namespace>
    • OVA:
      kubectl get pods
  2. OpenShift and Cloud Pak for Integration only: Run the following command:
    # oc adm policy add-scc-to-user anyuid system:serviceaccount:<apic namespace>:default
    Where <apic namespace> is your v10 API Connect namespace.
  3. Run the load script:
    python3 -storage_class <storage_class> -registry_secret <image_pull_secret> -load_storage_size 50 -load_image <load_image_url> -n <apic_namespace> -operator_namespace <apic operator namespace> -s <platform_api_endpoint> -silent
    • <storage_class> is the name of the storage class your v10 API Connect deployment is using. OVA users: This must be set to local-storage.
    • Non-OVA users: <image_pull_secret> is the secret that is used to pull the API Connect images. Not needed for OVA. For OpenShift, the cluster default is used if not specified.
    • <load_image_url> is the full name and path of the ibm-apiconnect-management-v2018-to-v10-load image. On OVA this URL is obtained as described in the installation steps: Get OVA load image URL
    • <apic_namespace> is the namespace where your v10 API Connect subsystem instances are installed. OVA users: This must be set to default.
    • <apic operator namespace> is the namespace where you v10 API Connect operators are installed. OVA users: This must be set to default.
    • <platform_api_endpoint> is the FQDN of the platform api endpoint that is defined for your v10 Management subsystem. To find this:
      • OpenShift: Run
        oc get routes -n <apic namespace> | grep platform-api
      • Kubernetes: Run
        kubectl get ingress -n <apic namespace> | grep platform-api
      • OVA: The platform api endpoint is defined in your apiconnect-up-v10.yml file.
    The script takes some time to complete. Check the status of the pods in your API Connect subsystem namespace and check for any pods in Error state. The script attempts to pull the API Connect migration load image from your image repository, failure to pull the image can be observed by checking the pods:
    • Kubernetes:
      kubectl get pods -n <namespace>
    • OpenShift:
      kubectl get pods -n <namespace>
    • OVA:
      kubectl get pods
    If see output such as:
    v2018-mgmt-load-bczdf                                             0/1     ImagePullBackOff   0              2m4s
    terminate the load script and investigate why the image cannot be loaded. When the load script is rerun it cleans up failed pods from previous attempts. OVA users: if the problem is not clear, for example an incorrect load image path, gather logs and open a support case.
    Note: The v2018 load script overwrites any data that you configured on your v10 target deployment, with the v2018 source data. For example, the admin password for your v10 Cloud Manager UI is replaced with the one from your v2018 source deployment.
  4. If you want your v10 target deployment to use the same endpoint URLs as your v2018 source deployment, skip to step 8.
  5. Register Gateways and Portals on the target system.
    Run the script:
    OVA users: On your Management VM, run:
    python3 -s <platform_api_endpoint> -u admin -p <password> -r admin/default-idp-1 -n default -silent
    • <platform_api_endpoint> is the FQDN of the platform api endpoint that is defined for your v10 Management subsystem.
    • <password> is the Cloud Manager UI admin user password, from your v2018 deployment.
    Kubernetes, OpenShift, and Cloud Pak for Integration users:
    • If Management, Portal and Gateway subsystems are in the same namespace:
      python3 -s <platform_api_endpoint> -u admin -p <password> -r admin/default-idp-1 -n <apic_namespace> -silent
      • <platform_api_endpoint> is the FQDN of the platform api endpoint that is defined for your v10 Management subsystem.
      • <password> is the Cloud Manager UI admin user password, from your v2018 deployment.
      • <apic_namespace> is the namespace where your v10 API Connect subsystem instances are installed.
    • If Management, Portal and Gateway subsystems are in different namespaces, use -mgmt_ns, -ptl_ns, and -gw_ns to specify each, for example:
      python3 -s <platform_api_endpoint> -u admin -p <password> -r admin/default-idp-1 -mgmt_ns <mgmt_namespace> -ptl_ns <portal namespace> -gw_ns <gateway_namespace> -silent
    • If you are using SSO authentication, replace:
      -u <username> -p <password>
    • Multiple namespaces can alternatively be specified with "ns1|ns2|ns3" notation. For example:

      python3 -n "ns1|ns2|ns3" -u admin -p <password> -s <platform_api_endpoint> -r admin/default-idp-1 -silent
      python3 -s PLATFORM_API_HOSTNAME -u admin -p <password> -r admin/default-idp-1 -mgmt_ns ns1 -ptl_ns "ns1|ns2" -gw_ns "ns1|ns2|ns3" -silent
    Note: If you run for a Cloud Pak for Integration target system, and you see the error
    The API Connect Gateway Service is already registered to another API Manager instance
    restart all the gateway pods, wait for them to reach Ready state, and run again.
  6. Run to update portals defined in your catalogs to point to your new Portal subsystems.
    Note: If your source system has no portal services, skip this step. Also, skip this step if no portal sites are created for any of you catalogs.
    OVA users: On your Management VM (not your Portal VM), run:
    python3 -s <platform_api_endpoint> -u admin -p <password> -r admin/default-idp-1 -n default -api_manager_hostname <platform_api_endpoint> -silent
    Kubernetes, OpenShift, and Cloud Pak for Integration users:
    • If the Management and Portal subsystems are in the same namespace:
      python3 -s <platform_api_endpoint> -u admin -p <password> -r admin/default-idp-1 -n <apic_namespace> -api_manager_hostname <platform_api_endpoint> -silent
    • If the Management and Portal subsystems are in different namespaces:
      python3 -s <platform_api_endpoint> -u admin -p <password> -r admin/default-idp-1 -mgmt_ns <mgmt_namespace> -ptl_ns <portal namespace> -gw_ns <gateway_namespace> -silent
    • If you are using SSO authentication, replace:
  7. Run to update Gateways in the catalog to point to new Gateway systems.
    Note: The response might indicate that you should run a health check but that is not needed because you will run a health check later as part of the verification task.
    OVA users: On your Management VM, run:
    python3 -s <platform_api_endpoint> -u admin -p <password> -r admin/default-idp-1 -n default -api_manager_hostname <platform_api_endpoint> -silent
    Kubernetes, OpenShift, and Cloud Pak for Integration users:
    • If the Management and Gateway subsystems are in the same namespace:
      python3 -s <platform_api_endpoint> -u admin -p <password> -r admin/default-idp-1 -n <apic_namespace> -api_manager_hostname <platform_api_endpoint> -silent
    • If the Management and Gateway subsystems are in different namespaces:
      python3 -s <platform_api_endpoint> -u admin -p <password> -r admin/default-idp-1 -mgmt_ns <mgmt_namespace> -gw_ns <gateway_namespace> -silent
    • If you are using SSO authentication, replace:
  8. Restore Portal backups for each site.
    Note: If your source system has no portal services, skip this step. Also, skip this step if no portal sites are created for any of you catalogs.

    To restore the Portal sites on the target system, you can either use the script to restore all sites, or restore sites individually with the restore_site command.

    Restoring all sites with the restore script:
    • OVA users: On your Portal VM, run:
      python3 -n default
    • Non-OVA users: Run the following:
      python3 -n <portal_subsystem_namespace>
      Note: If there are more than one Portal subsystems on the target system, run the script for each of the matching source and target Portal subsystems with the -ptl_ns and -ptl_subsys_name arguments:
      python3 -ptl_ns <portal namespace> -ptl_subsys_name <portal subsystem name>
    Restoring sites individually, using restore_site. For OVA users, these steps should be run from the Portal VM:
    1. Identify the portal www pod:
      • OpenShift:
        oc get pods -n <portal_subsystem_namespace> | grep www
      • Kubernetes:
        kubectl get pods -n <portal_subsystem_namespace> | grep www
      • OVA:
        oc get pods | grep www
    2. Exec into the portal www pod's admin container:
      • OpenShift:
        oc exec -it -n <portal_subsystem_namespace> <www_pod> -c admin -- bash
      • Kubernetes:
        kubectl exec -it -n <portal_subsystem_namespace> <www_pod> -c admin -- bash
      • OVA:
        kubectl exec -it <www_pod> -c admin -- bash
    3. List the site backups:
      remote_transfer_backup -l
    4. Download each site backup, and run it for all sites:
      remote_transfer_backup -d <site_backup_filename>
    5. Restore each of the site backups:
      restore_site -f -u <site_url> <site_backup_filename>

Post-restore verification

  1. Check that your v10 migration was successful and remove any v2018 subsystems or data that you do not want: Verifying the v10 target deployment.
    Note: If you are doing a staged migration, it is recommended you do the verification before and after you add further subsystems: Migrating additional v2018 subsystems: Staged migration.