Gateway subsystem settings

You can specify advanced configuration settings for the Gateway subsystem directly in the CR or with the Platform UI in Cloud Pak for Integration.

The IBM Cloud Pak Platform UI enables you to specify settings for the following areas:

For annotations, labels, node selectors, and tolerances, see Additional Kubernetes settings

v5 compatibility mode

Table 1. v5 compatibility mode
Field Type Required Description
V5 comparability mode Toggle Switch off/on No. Optional Enabling this provides v5 compatibility (trading off some performance) with the IBM DataPower Gateway that was provided with IBM API Connect Version 5 and earlier releases. Consider using this DataPower Gateway (v5 compatible) if you are an existing DataPower user and want to utilize your DataPower resources and knowledge.

Default: off

To review v5 compatibility, see API Connect gateway types.

Operations Dashboard

Table 2. Operations Dashboard
Field Type Required Description
Enable Operations Dashboard tracing Toggle Switch off/on No. Optional Enable or disable cross-component transaction tracing to allow troubleshooting and investigating errors and latency issues.

Default: disabled (off)

To review the Operations Dashboard, see

For information on configuring the Operations Dashboard, see

Operations Dashboard namespace string No. Optional Namespace where the IBM Cloud Pak for Integration Operations Dashboard has been deployed.

Default: none

Replica count string No. Optional Specify the number of instances of the Gateway that should be deployed. For high-availability, a minimum of 3 replicas (one per node) is recommended.

Default: none

Token management service

Table 3. Token management service
Field Type Required Description
Advanced: Enable TMS Toggle Switch No. Optional Enable or disable token management service (TMS) to use the DataPower to manage the token lifecycle..

Default: disabled (off)

The Token Management Service uses the DataPower distributed cache to manage the token lifecycle which includes when to revoke access rights. For more information, see Token management with DataPower API Gateway.

Advanced: Storage Class string No. Optional Specify the RWO block storage class to use for persistence storage. This will be used when creating a PVC. Specification of the storage class is highly recommended.

If not specified the default cluster storage class is used.

See the IBM Cloud Pak documentation for guidance for Storage class selection. Go to the following page and select your Cloud Pack release level: In the navigation panel of the KC, select System Requirements > Storage.

To review DataPower storage configuration, see

Advanced: Volume size string No. Optional Resources represents the minimum resources the volume should have. For example, 10Gi.Default: none

To review DataPower storage configuration, see storage API. in the DataPower documentation.

Autoscaling gateway pods

Autoscaling enables the gateway deployment to scale dynamically, either vertically or horizontally. It is not possible to use both horizontal and vertical pod scaling simultaneously. You must configure either HPA (for horizontal scaling) or VPA (for vertical scaling) as the scaling method.

Note: DataPower Gateway supports long-lived connections such as such as GraphQL subscriptions or other websockets connections. These long-lived connections might not be preserved when pods are scaled down based on defined CPU or memory thresholds. Workloads with long-lived connections are more vulnerable to failed API transactions when auto-scaling is occurring.

To learn more about HPA and VPA autoscaling, see the following topics in the DataPower documentation:

You can configure autoscaling for Gateway pods by inserting a new subsection in the spec gateway section of the top-level CR, or by filling in the corresponding fields in the OpenShift or IBM Cloud Pak Platform UI. Settings are described in Table 4.

The following example configures HPA autoscaling in the gateway section of the top-level API Connect CR:

        maxReplicas: 5
        minReplicas: 3
        targetCPUUtilizationPercentage: 90
        targetMemoryUtilizationPercentage: 80
      method: HPA
Table 4. Autoscaling configuration settings
UI Field name / CR Setting Autoscaling method Required Description
  • Scaling method
  • method
All Yes Select the autoscaling method to be used: either HPA (Horizontal Pod Autoscaling) or VPA (Vertical Pod Autoscaling).

To disable autoscaling, leave method blank, or omit the podAutoScaling: section from the CR.

  • Minimum pods
  • minReplicas
HPA Yes Minimum number of pods that can be scaled down to by the horizontal pod autoscaler.
  • Maximum pods
  • maxReplicas
HPA Yes Maximum number of pods that can be scaled up to by the horizontal pod autoscaler. Must be a value greater than minReplicas.
  • Target CPU Utilization Percentage
  • targetCPUUtilizationPercentage:
HPA No Percent threshold on average CPU usage by pods for triggering horizontal scaling.
  • Target Memory Utilization Percentage
  • targetMemoryUtilizationPercentage
HPA No Percent threshold on average memory usage by pods for triggering horizontal scaling.
  • Maximum CPU
  • maxAllowedCPU
VPA No Maximum value for CPU resource that can be assigned to a DataPower container when scaling vertically. Minimum value is set from DataPowerRequestsSpec.ResourceCPU
  • Maximum Memory
  • maxAllowedMemory
VPA No Maximum amount of memory that can be assigned to a DataPower container when scaling vertically. Minimum value is set from DataPowerRequestsSpec.ResourceMemory