You can specify session timeout settings to control when a user is automatically logged
out of the Developer Portal.
You can also restrict the number of sessions a single user has available to them.
Before you begin
You must have administrator access to the Developer Portal to
complete this task.
If the administrator dashboard is not displayed, click Manage to display it.
To manage the automated logout settings, complete the following steps:
Click Configuration in the administrator dashboard.
In the PEOPLE section, click Automated logout
Note: You must check
Enforce auto logout on admin pages
to apply when navigating the admin areas of the site.

Use the session timeout configuration options provided as required. For example, you can complete the following tasks:
Click Save configuration to save your changes.
To restrict the number of sessions available to a user, complete the following steps:
Click Configuration in the administrator dashboard.
In the PEOPLE section, click Session limit.
Specify the default maximum number of sessions for a user by entering the number into the Default maximum number of active sessions field.
Select the required action from the When the session limit is exceeded options.
From the Logged out message severity list, select the severity of the message that the user receives when they are logged out.
Optionally, in the ROLE LIMITS section, specify separate session limits for each role.
Click Save configuration to save your changes.