Change the client_secret
for the Portal subsystem to keep it in sync
with the Management subsystem.
About this task
The Portal subsystem uses the same client_secret
as the Management subsystem. If
you change the client_secret
on the Management subsystem, update the Portal
subsystem by pulling the credential from the Management subsystem.
Note: If you did not deploy the Portal subsystem, skip this task.
On a Portal pod, run the following command to pull the Portal service's
from the Management subsystem:
kubectl -n namespace exec -t portal-mydc-www-0 -- bash -ic refresh_cloud_credentials
where namespace
is the namespace where you installed the
Portal subsystem.
Then, run the following command to update the credential for the Portal sites:
Note: If you did not deploy any Portal sites, skip this step.
kubectl -n namespace exec -t portal-mydc-www-0 -- bash -ic "refresh_site_credentials -a"
where namespace
is the namespace where you installed the
Portal subsystem.