Changing the cloud administrator password

Update the cloud administrator password for the Management subsystem using the Cloud Manager UI, the toolkit CLI, or an API call.

About this task

In the Management subsystem for an API Connect on-premises deployment, the administrator is called the cloud administrator and works with the management server to configure the deployment of the local server cloud. Updating the cloud administrator password for the Management subsystem requires no service interruption because the change takes place immediately.

You can change the cloud administrator's password using any of the following methods.

Note: Passwords must contain eight or more characters, with at least one character from three of the following categories: lowercase letters, uppercase letters, numerals, and punctuation (for example: ! $ # %). The same character cannot be used more than twice consecutively.
Cloud Manager UI
  1. Log in to the Cloud Manager UI.
  2. Change your Cloud Manager password.
Toolkit CLI
  1. Run the apic login command to log in to a management server.
  2. Run the apic me:change-password command to change your password.
API call
  1. Run the apic login command to log in to a management server.

    You must log in to a management server with the toolkit CLI before you can call the API Connect APIs.

  2. Execute the /api/me/change-password API call. as explained in the "Resource: Me" section of the IBM API Connect Platform - Cloud Management API.

The next time that you log in as the cloud administrator, you must use the new password.