Updating the gateway services for a Product
When you stage or publish a draft Product to a Catalog, you specify the gateway services at which the APIs in the Product are to be made available. However, you can later update the selected gateway services after a Product has been stage or published.
Before you begin
To complete the Product management tasks that are described in this topic, you must either be the owner of the API provider organization, or be assigned Manage permission for Products in the Catalog that contains the Product. If you have View permission for Products, you have read-only access to the Product management page. For information on configuring Product management permissions for a Catalog, see Creating and configuring Catalogs.
The syndication feature in IBM® API Connect means that Products can be contained within a Space in a Catalog. In this case, to complete the Product management tasks that are described in this topic, you must either be the owner of the API provider organization, or be assigned Manage permission for Products in the Space that contains the Product. For information on configuring Product management permissions for a Space, see Managing user access in a Space.
About this task
When you stage or publish a draft Product to a Catalog, you can either choose to make the APIs in the Product available at all the gateway services that match the gateway service type of the Product, either DataPower® API Gateway or DataPower Gateway (v5 compatible), or can you select specific gateway services of that type. The APIs in the Product can then be called at those gateway service endpoints.
However, after a Product has been staged or published you can later update the gateway services to change the selections.
For more information on staging and publishing a Product, see Staging a draft Product and Publishing a draft Product.
For more information on the gateway service types, see API Connect gateway types.
To update the gateway services for a Product, complete the following steps: