Creating views in the Developer Portal

You can create new views in the Developer Portal, such as content lists of Products, APIs, and applications, by using the Views module.

Before you begin

You must have administrator access to the Developer Portal to complete this task.

About this task

Creating views in the Developer Portal enables you to control the presentation of specific content for users. For more information about views, see Using the Views module in the Developer Portal.


To create a view, complete the following steps.

  1. Log in to the Developer Portal as an administrator.
  2. If the administrator dashboard is not displayed, click Manage to display it.
  3. On the administrator dashboard, click Structure > Views > Add new view.
    The Add view page is displayed.
  4. Complete the View name and, optionally, the Description.
  5. Complete the VIEW SETTINGS section with details of what you want your view to show, and how you want it to be sorted.

    For example, to create a view of APIs that are sorted by title, select Show Content, of type API, and sorted by Title.

  6. Select whether to Create a page, Create a block, or both, for your view.

    A page is a full-screen page in the Developer Portal. Whereas a block would be a site block that you can then place on whatever pages you want to show a smaller view of the content, for example the 10 newest APIs.

  7. Complete the options that you require for your view. For example, the display format, the number of items per page or block, whether to include a pager, whether to create a menu link, and whether to include an RSS feed.
  8. Click Save and edit.
    Your new view opens in the Edit tab.
  9. Refine your view further.

    Here you can further modify the display of your view or add new displays. More options include formatting of the view, what fields to include in a table or grid format, filtering and sorting criteria, add header or footer details, as well as advanced options around contextual filters, relationships, and behavior when there are no results to display. The Edit tab also includes a preview area, so you can check your view before publishing.

  10. Click Save to make your changes permanent.
    When saved, your new view is visible in the Structure > Views pane.


You created a new view in the Developer Portal.