Restarting Analytics pods and data collection

Restart the pods that support the internal communications within the Analytics subsystem in your API Connect deployment.

Before you begin

This operation requires the use of the Analytics CLI. Using the Analytics CLI.

About this task

The internal certificates are used for all Analytics microservices to communicate with each other within the subsystem. The default names of the secrets for these are analytics-ingestion-client, analytics-ai-endpoint, analytics-server, and analytics-ca.

When you refresh the internal certificates for the Analytics subsystem, restart the Analytics pods by completing the following steps.


  1. OVA users: log in to your analytics VM and ssh to the root user:
    ssh apicadm@<vm hostname>
    sudo -i
  2. Restart all of the Analytics pods by running the following command:
    kubectl -n namespace delete po -l
    • namespace is the namespace where the Analytics subsystem is installed.
    • CR_name is the name of the CR for installing the Analytics subsystem (default name: analytics).
  3. Verify that all Analytics pods are ready by running the following command:
    kubectl -n namespace get po

    where namespace is the namespace where the Analytics subsystem is installed.

    Make sure that every pod is Running and Ready.

  4. Associate the Analytics service with the Gateway service.
    Note: If you did not unassociate the Analytics service from the Gateway, skip this step.

    See Associating an analytics service with a gateway service.

  5. Check the storage cluster's health again and wait until the status is green.
  6. Verify that the Analytics service is working by completing the following steps:
    1. Invoke an API on your gateway that uses the associated Analytics subsystem.
    2. Use the Analytics user interface to confirm that new data was posted to the Analytics service.