Preparing the Analytics subsystem for disaster recovery on Cloud Pak for Integration

Back up data and essential deployment information so that you can use it to recover your deployment after a disaster.

About this task

Make sure to store all backups and deployment information to a secure location where you can access it after a disaster. You cannot recover a deployment without the information that you collect during this task.

Important: If you update any of your subsystem CRs or secrets, ensure that you take new backups of them.


  1. Backup the Analytics subsystem database.
    1. Configure the Analytics subsystem for backups.
    2. Perform a backup of the Analytics subsystem.
      Note: Be sure to specify indices: all when you backup the Analytics database. Backing up a full set of indices ensures that your complete Analytics configuration, event data, and custom UI configuration (such as custom dashboards) can be restored.
    3. Get the name of the newest Analytics backup and save it for reference during a recovery.

      Run the following command to list the Analytics backups:

      oc get analyticsbackup -n <APIC-namespace>

      The response looks like the following example; the newest backup is the one with the smallest AGE:

      NAME                 STATUS ID                                    CR TYPE  INDICES                AGE  COMMENT
      a7s-bup-266p8        Ready                                        create   [all]                  20h  y
      a7s-bup-pffdh        Ready                                        create   [all]                  34h  y
      analytics-bup-kxwq5  Ready  analytics-all-2020-09-07t03:49:15utc  record   [ui apievents config]  34h
      analytics-bup-p29z8  Ready  analytics-all-2020-09-07t18:04:03utc  record   [ui apievents config]  20h
  2. Copy all of the information that you saved to a secure location.