Viewing TLS Profiles, Keystores, and Truststores

The current list of TLS profiles, Keystores, and Truststores can be viewed on the main TLS screen.

Before you begin

Important: API Connect includes several default TLS profiles to help you get started working with the application. The default profiles should not be used in a production environment. It is important to create your own profiles to ensure a secure network.

One of the following roles is required to view TLS Server Profiles:

  • Administrator
  • Owner
  • Topology Administrator
  • Viewer
  • Custom role with the Settings: Manage or Settings: view permissions

About this task

The TLS list screen provides a list of TLS Profiles, Keystores and Truststores configured for your cloud. Users with view permissions can use this screen as a reference for the TLS Profiles.

Users with manage permissions can create new Profiles, Keystores, and Truststores; edit existing ones; and delete items that are no longer needed. Users can view the Keystores and Truststores assigned to the profiles.

Users can view and set the visibility for Client Profiles. For more information on visibility, see Setting visibility for a TLS Client Profile


Following are the tasks you can perform using the list screen as a base:

  1. In the Cloud Manager, click Resources Resources.
  2. Select TLS.
  3. Complete your management task:
    • To create a new item, click Create next to the table for the type of item you want to create.
    • To edit an existing item, either click the Title of the item, or click the options menu options menus icon and then click Edit.
    • To set the visibility of a TLS Client Profile, click the options menu options menus icon for the profile, and then click Edit Visibility.
    • To delete an existing item, click the options menu options menus icon for the profile, and then click Delete.