Managing role defaults for consumer organizations

Role Defaults are role templates that determine the default roles created in new Provider and Consumer organizations. Cloud Manager ships with a set of pre-configured Role Defaults. As the Cloud Manager administrator, you can edit the pre-configured Role Defaults.

About this task

If you are assigned a role that has permissions to manage Cloud Settings, you can create and manage the Role Defaults for consumer organizations.

One of the following roles is required to add roles to the role defaults:

  • Administrator
  • Topology Administrator
  • Owner

Perform the following steps to add or edit roles to the roles defaults for consumer organization:


  1. In the Cloud Manager, click Settings Settings.
  2. Select Role Defaults.
  3. Click Add to add a new role.
    1. To edit a role, select Edit from the overflow menu for the role.
    2. To delete a role from the Role Default, select Delete from overflow menu and confirm the deletion. Owner, Member, and Viewer roles cannot be deleted.
      Note: Role deletions apply to new members added after the deletion. If a current member is assigned the role, they will continue to have the permissions connected with the role. You need to manage the deletions for each member in the Members screen.
  4. Enter the Title for the role. The Name will be auto-generated.
  5. Use the check boxes to select the permissions for the role. For a description of the permissions and the actions they enable, see User roles and permissions in the Cloud Manager UI.
  6. Save the role.


The role appears in the list of roles for the consumer organization Role Defaults. It will be included in the roles that can be assigned to members for new consumer organizations. The roles can be edited for catalogs, but permissions inherited from the Role Default cannot be deleted. Permissions can be added at the catalog level, but not deleted.