Editing a provider organization

You can edit the title of a provider organization, and also transfer ownership to a new organization owner.

Before you begin

This task can be completed by users who are assigned the following roles:
  • Cloud Owner
  • Cloud Administrator
  • Organization Manager
  • Custom role with the Provider-org:Manage permission

About this task

If you transfer ownership, the new organization owner can be an existing user, or you can create a new user. When the ownership changes, the new owner is assigned administration privileges for the organization, and the previous owner has their administration privileges removed. Optionally, you can also have the ownership of all Catalogs and Spaces in the organization transferred to the new organization owner. If required, you can restore the privileges to the previous owner as described in Administering members and roles.


To update a provider organization, complete the following tasks:

  1. In the Cloud Manager, click Provider Organizations Provider Organizations.
  2. Click the name of the provider organization that you want to update.
  3. To change the title, enter a new title in the Title field, then click Save.
  4. To transfer ownership, select the user registry for the provider organization owner you want to transfer ownership to.
    The remaining procedure varies according to the type of the selected user registry, as follows:
    • Local User Registry
      1. Select whether the user is an Existing user or a New User.
        • For an existing user, complete the following steps:
          1. Enter the name of an existing API Connect user that has previously been invited to register and has activated their account.
          2. To also have the ownership of all Catalogs and Spaces in the organization transferred to the new organization owner, select Also transfer ownership of owned Catalogs and Spaces.
          3. Click Save.
        • For a new user, complete the following steps:
          1. Enter a unique user name for the new user.
          2. Supply an email address, name details, and a password.
          3. To also have the ownership of all Catalogs and Spaces in the organization transferred to the new organization owner, select Also transfer ownership of owned Catalogs and Spaces.
          4. Click Save.
    • LDAP
      1. Enter the name of a user that exists in the selected user registry.
      2. To also have the ownership of all Catalogs and Spaces in the organization transferred to the new organization owner, select Also transfer ownership of owned Catalogs and Spaces.
      3. Click Save.
    • Authentication URL and OIDC
      1. Enter the name of an existing API Connect user that has previously been invited to register and has activated their account. If the required organization owner has not previously been invited and activated their account, you must ensure they have been invited to the organization first.
      2. To also have the ownership of all Catalogs and Spaces in the organization transferred to the new organization owner, select Also transfer ownership of owned Catalogs and Spaces.
      3. Click Save.