Preparing the Portal subsystem for disaster recovery on OpenShift

Back up data and essential deployment information so that you can use it to recover your deployment after a disaster.

Before you begin

Perform a backup of the Management subsystem.

Important: Backups of the Management and Portal subsystems must be performed in sequence, and close together in time, to ensure that the Portal sites are consistent with Management database.

About this task

Make sure to store all backups and deployment information to a secure location where you can access it after a disaster. You cannot recover a deployment without the information that you collect during this task.

Important: If you update any of your subsystem CRs or secrets, ensure that you take new backups of them.


  1. Save the ID of the Portal subsystem.

    If your original CR name was 10 characters or longer, you must add the originalUID (Version 10.0.3 or later) or metadata.uid (Version 10.0.2 or earlier) value from the original Portal subsystem into the appropriate section of the installation CR during the recovery process.

    When you deployed API Connect using the top-level APIConnectCluster CR, the deployment settings were added to subsystem-specific CRs that are managed by the top-level CR. When you recover the Portal subsystem after a disaster, you can locate the subsystem's ID in the saved copy of the Portal subsystem CR.

    1. Find the API Connect cluster's name by running the following command and looking for the value in the NAME column:
      oc get APIConnectCluster
      The response looks like the following example:
      apic-cluster-name   7/7     Running   10.0.3   10.0.3-149         6d4h
    2. Get the YAML that describes the Portal subsystem CR and save it in a file using the following command:
      oc get ptl apic-cluster-name-ptl -o yaml >  apic-cluster-name-ptl.yaml
  2. Back up the Developer Portal database encryption secret.
    1. Run the following command to get the name of the encryption secret:
      oc get ptl -n <APIC-namespace> -o yaml | grep encryption

      The output of this command shows the name of the secret that is storing the database encryption key, for example:

      encryptionSecret: portal-enc-key
    2. Run the following command to save a local copy of the secret as a YAML file:
      oc get secret portal-enc-key -n <APIC-namespace> -o yaml > portal-enc-key.yaml
  3. Back up the Portal endpoint definitions.

    Save the information to a file because you must use the same names in the recovered deployment.

    1. Get the portalAdminEndpoint definition by running the following command:
      oc get route | grep portal-director | awk '{print $2}'

      The response looks like the following example:
    2. Get the portalUIEndpoint definition by running the following command:
      oc get route | grep portal-web | awk '{print $2}'

      The response looks like the following example:
  4. Back up the Portal subsystem database.
    1. Configure the Portal subsystem for backups.
    2. Perform a backup of the Portal subsystem.
      Note: Make sure that you set the property type: all when you backup the Portal database, to ensure that you capture data for the Portal subsystem and all Portal sites.
    3. Get the name of the newest Portal backup and save it for reference during a recovery.

      Run the following command to list the Portal backups:

      oc get portalbackup -n <APIC-namespace>

      The response looks like the following example; the newest backup is the one with the smallest AGE:

      NAME                      ID    TASK ID            STATUS   TYPE   CR TYPE   CLUSTER          AGE   COMMENT
      portal-manual-bup-9lghk   n/a   p5rkbbpyejrbqjab   Ready    all    create    production-ptl   15h   test comment
      portal-manual-bup-jqbdm   n/a   cn8frkey1vgbls2u   Ready    all    create    production-ptl   15h   test comment
  5. Copy all of the information that you saved to a secure location.

What to do next

Proceed to Preparing the Analytics subsystem for disaster recovery on OpenShift.