Planning and initial preparation

Decide on endpoint names. Prepare your OpenShift environments for 2DCDR API Connect.


  1. Decide on naming. Both data centers must use the same names for:
    • Management subsystem endpoints
      • cloudManagerEndpoint
      • apiManagerEndpoint
      • platformAPIEndpoint
      • consumerAPIEndpoint
    • Portal subsystem endpoints
      • portalAdminEndpoint
      • portalUIEndpoint

    Each data center must have a different siteName. For example, dallas in data center 1, and raleigh in data center 2. The site name can contain only a-z and 0-9 characters. You set siteName in the ManagementCluster and PortalCluster CRs when the subsystems are first deployed. You cannot change the name after deployment. If you don't specify siteName at first deployment, a random siteName is created for you.

    Important: Each data center must use a different backup path for your Management backups. For portal backups each data center must use the same backup path. For more information, see Backup and restore requirements for a two data center deployment.
  2. Install the API Connect operators in both your data centers. See Installing operators for a single namespace API Connect installation or Installing operators for a multi namespace API Connect installation, depending on whether all your API Connect subsystems are to be in the same namespace or not. Return here when the operators are installed.
  3. If not already done, create namespaces for your API Connect subsystems in both data centers.
    oc create ns <namespace>
    the data centers do not have to use the same namespace name.
  4. Decide which data center will start as the active and which will start as the warm-standby.
  5. On the CLI of the active data center, where you run oc commands, create a directory called 2dcdr-active-yamls. On the CLI of the warm-standby data center, create a directory called 2dcdr-ws-yamls.

What to do next

Proceed to prepare the replication certificates, secrets, and issuers on your active data center Preparing your active data center.