Monitoring the API Connect cluster on OpenShift

Monitor the status of the API Connect cluster on OpenShift using either the command line or the OpenShift web console.

You deploy the API Connect subsystems on OpenShift with the APIConnect operator and the apiconnectcluster CR. The CR contains a status section that is regularly updated by the operator to display the current status of the all the API Connect subsystems.

When you finish deploying API Connect, you can monitor the status of apiconnectcluster using the command line or the OpenShift web console.

Version 10.0.3 and later: You can also monitor the disk usage of Postgres microservices. The APIConnect operator continuously tracks the disk usage of postgres microservices and provides useful information in the ManagementCluster custom resource. For information on viewing the postgres disk status, see Monitoring Postgres disk usage on OpenShift.

Monitoring the API Connect cluster using the command line

Run the following command to display the status of the API Connect cluster:

oc get apiconnectcluster -n <APIC_namespace>

The response looks like the following example:

production   7/7     Ready    24h

The following list explains the values in the response:

  • NAME: Name of the API Connect instance (in the example, the instance name is "production").
  • READY: Current number of subsystems and components that are running / Expected number of subsystems and components that should be running.
  • STATUS: Current status of API Connect.
    If the status says Warning, then run oc describe apiconnectcluster -n <namespace> and check for more details in the Status sections. For example, for the management CR:
        Message:                          WAL Archiving is not working. Last successful archive time: 2022-07-26 20:37:14.456465 +0000 UTC. Last archive failed time: 2022-07-26 21:10:34.172539 +0000 UTC
        Reason:                            WALArchiveNotWorking
    Note: If you see the WAL Archiving is not working warning message, then verify your S3 backup settings (bucket name, folder name, credentials, certificates), gather logs and open a support request.
  • VERSION: API Connect version specified in the CR's spec.version setting.
  • RECONCILED VERSION: Current API Connect version.
  • AGE: Age of the apiconnectcluster CR.

Monitoring the API Connect cluster using the OpenShift web console

  1. Start the OpenShift web console.
  2. Click Installed operators.
  3. Locate the namespace (project) where you installed API Connect:
    • If you installed the API Connect operator in all namespaces, select openshift-operators
    • if you installed the API Connect operator in a single namespace, select specific project
  4. Hover next to the name of the API Connect namespace and click API Connect Cluster.
  5. On the API Connect Clusters page, check the Status column.

    The status should display "Ready" as in the following image:

    API Connect Cluster page
  6. Click the instance name (in the example, the instance name is production to display the status overview page.

    The overview page displays high-level information about your deployment, as in the following image:

    API Connect Cluster overview page

    Also on the overview page, the "Conditions" section displays the list of possible service conditions, as in the following image:

    API Connect Cluster conditions

    A healthy deployment displays "True" for the "Ready" status.

    During a fresh install, an upgrade or a day-2 operation (such as a Management backup S3 configuration change), the apiconnectcluster CR status might change to a different state depending on the action, but ultimately it should always reach the Ready status.