Example - using multiple OAuth policies in an OAuth provider assembly
This example demonstrates the use of multiple OAuth policies in the assembly flow for a native OAuth provider.
The example is based on the default assembly that is generated when you create a native OAuth
provider, and is customized with the addition of gatewayscript
policies that use
OAuth context variables to
manipulate the OAuth flow. For details on creating a native OAuth provider,
see Configuring a
native OAuth provider.
It has the following assembly flow:
The following sections describe the OpenAPI source code that underlies each of the policies in the assembly; for the complete assembly code, download multiple_oauth_policies.txt.
Sample policy to add a custom scope
The add_scope
policy is a gatewayscript
policy that adds a
custom scope to the request.
- gatewayscript:
version: 2.0.0
title: add_scope
source: |-
// Add another custom scope to the request
let scope = context.get("request.parameters.scope.values[0]);
if (scope)
context.set("oauth.processing.scope", scope + " custom");
Validate the initial OAuth request
The first process_request
policy is an oauth
policy that
processes the initial request and verifies that the request is valid. The result of the processing
is stored automatically in the oauth.processing context
variables for use, as required, by the next OAuth policy in the assembly flow.
- oauth:
title: process_request
version: 2.0.0
description: >-
This oauth policy performs all OAuth/OpenID Connect protocol steps
that are needed for OAuth Validation by default. The inputs and
outputs of each of the steps are driven by documented context
variables. Add or remove the Supported OAuth Components as required.
default: custom-form
- OAuthValidateRequest
Sample policy to modify the scope
The modify_scope
policy is a gatewayscript
policy that modifies
the scope depending on the calling application.
- gatewayscript:
version: 2.0.0
title: modify_scope
source: |-
let admin_id = '1f1a2aa4-db9f-4423-b2f1-e2572b12123a';
// Check application and modify the scope
let app = context.get("oauth.processing.client_id");
let scope = context.get("oauth.processing.scope");
if (app === admin_id) {
context.set("oauth.processing.scope", scope + " admin");
} else {
context.set("oauth.processing.scope", scope + " customer");
Branch conditionally according to the OAuth path
The path_branch
policy is a switch
policy that branches
according to the different OAuth paths to process the resource owner.
- switch:
version: 2.0.0
title: path_branch
- condition: ($operationPath() = '/oauth2/token')
definition of the user_security and other_grants policies
- condition: ($operationPath() = '/oauth2/authorize')
definition of the user_password and implicit_authcode policies
- otherwise:
definition of the other_endpoints policy
Process the user name and password, and enable grant type component
The following two policies operate on the token endpoint.
- user-security:
title: user_password
version: 2.0.0
description: ''
factor-id: default
extract-identity-method: context-var
user-context-var: request.parameters.username.values
pass-context-var: request.parameters.password.values
ei-stop-on-error: false
user-auth-method: auth-url
au-stop-on-error: false
auth-url: 'http://httpbin.org/basic-auth/user/pass'
user-az-method: authenticated
az-stop-on-error: true
auth-response-headers-pattern: (?)x-api*
auth-response-header-credential: X-API-Authenticated-Credential
- oauth:
title: other_grants
version: 2.0.0
description: >-
This oauth policy performs all OAuth/OpenID Connect
protocol steps that are needed for token path by default.
The inputs and outputs of each of the steps are driven by
documented context variables. Add or remove the Supported
OAuth Components as required.
default: custom-form
- OAuthGenerateAccessToken
- OAuthVerifyAZCode
- OAuthVerifyRefreshToken
- OAuthCollectMetadata
Perform authorization checks, and enable grant type components
These following two policies operate on the authorize endpoint.
- user-security:
title: user_security
version: 2.0.0
description: >-
This user security policy performs EI(basic) and AU(auth
url) check for oauth assembly. Change the security check
method as required
factor-id: default
extract-identity-method: basic
ei-stop-on-error: true
user-auth-method: auth-url
au-stop-on-error: true
user-az-method: authenticated
az-stop-on-error: true
auth-response-headers-pattern: (?)x-api*
auth-response-header-credential: X-API-Authenticated-Credential
auth-url: 'http://httpbin.org/basic-auth/user/pass'
- oauth:
title: implicit_authcode
version: 2.0.0
description: >-
This oauth policy performs all OAuth/OpenID Connect
protocol steps that are needed for az code path by
default. The inputs and outputs of each of the steps are
driven by documented context variables. Add or remove the
Supported OAuth Components as required.
default: custom-form
- OAuthGenerateAZCode
- OAuthGenerateAccessToken
- OAuthCollectMetadata
Process all other endpoints
The otherwise
condition catches all other endpoints such as the introspect and
revoke endpoints. The other_endpoints
policy in the otherwise
condition is an oauth
policy that enables the
, and OAuthRevokeTokencomponents
components to
perform the operations for introspect and revoke.
- oauth:
title: other_endpoints
version: 2.0.0
description: >-
This oauth policy performs all OAuth/OpenID Connect
protocol steps that are needed for all other paths by
default. The inputs and outputs of each of the steps are
driven by documented context variables. Add or remove the
Supported OAuth Components as required.
default: custom-form
- OAuthIntrospectToken
- OAuthRevokeToken