Configuring sender details for email notifications

Understand how the hierarchical search works for the email notification sender details, and how you can configure sender details at the Space and Catalog level.

Before you begin

One of the following roles is required to configure sender details for email notifications:

  • Administrator
  • Owner
  • A custom role with the Cloud settings:Manage or Settings:Manage permission
For more information about the notification templates, their scope, and how to customize them, see Configuring notifications at the Provider Organization level, and Customizing email notification templates at the Cloud Manager level.

About this task

Email notifications are sent automatically by API Connect when certain system events occur. These notifications contain a sender name and address that's based on a hierarchical search of the configured sender details in API Connect. Depending on the email template that's being sent, the search can start at the Space level, the Catalog level, the Provider Organization level, or the Cloud level. The sender details that are used are the first set of configured details that are found during the hierarchical search.
The following table shows the starting point for the sender details hierarchical search for each email template, ordered by the scope of the template, where:
  • Cloud: emails are sent from the details that are configured in the Settings > Notifications section of the Cloud Manager.
  • Org: the search for sender details starts at the Provider Organization level; if not available, the Cloud details are used.
  • Catalog: the search for sender details starts at the Catalog level; if not available, the Org details are used, and if they're not available, the Cloud details are used.
  • Space: the search for sender details starts at the Space level; if not available, the Catalog details are used, if they're not available, the Org details are used, and if they're not available, the Cloud details are used.
  • Space or Catalog: in these cases the search starts at the Space level, or at the Catalog level, depending on the user that made the request, as shown in the following list:
    • When the product lifecycle change is started by a user in a Space, the search for sender details starts at the Space level.
    • When the product lifecycle change is started by a user in a Catalog, the search for sender details starts at the Catalog level.
    • When the product lifecycle change is approved by a user in a Space, the search for sender details starts at the Space level.
    • When the product lifecycle change is approved by a user in a Catalog, the search for sender details starts at the Catalog level.
Table 1. Starting point for the sender details search for each email template
Scope Template name Email subject Sender details
admin mail-server-test-connection Test message from IBM® API Connect. Cloud
admin member-invitation Invitation to an admin organization in IBM API Connect. Cloud
admin password-changed Password changed for your user account in IBM API Connect. Cloud
admin password-reset Password reset request for your user account in IBM API Connect. Cloud
provider invitation Invitation to create an API provider organization in IBM API Connect. Cloud
provider member-invitation Invitation to an API provider organization in IBM API Connect. Org
catalog app-lifecycle-cancelled Request withdrawn to {{action}} app {{appName}}. Catalog
catalog app-lifecycle-request Request for approval to {{action}} app {{appName}}. Catalog
catalog invitation Invitation to create an API catalog in IBM API Connect. Org
catalog member-invitation Invitation to an API catalog in IBM API Connect. Catalog
catalog task-consumer-onboard-request Consumer onboarding request in the {{catalog}} developer portal. Catalog
catalog task-product-lifecycle-approved Request approved to {{action}} API product in catalog {{catalog}}. Space or Catalog
catalog task-product-lifecycle-cancelled Request withdrawn to {{action}} an API product in the {{catalog}} catalog. Space or Catalog
catalog task-product-lifecycle-denied Request denied to {{action}} API product in catalog {{catalog}}. Space or Catalog
catalog task-product-lifecycle-pending Request received to {{action}} API product in catalog {{catalog}}. Space or Catalog
catalog task-product-lifecycle-request Request for approval to {{action}} an API product in the {{catalog}} catalog. Space or Catalog
catalog task-subscription-cancelled Request withdrawn to subscribe to an API product in the {{catalog}} catalog. Catalog
catalog task-subscription-request Request for approval to subscribe to an API product in the {{catalog}} catalog. Catalog
space invitation Invitation to create an API space in IBM API Connect. Catalog
space member-invitation Invitation to an API space in IBM API Connect. Space
consumer account-approved {{catalogTitle}} developer portal account registration is approved. Catalog
consumer account-denied {{catalogTitle}} developer portal account registration is denied. Catalog
consumer account-pending-approval {{catalogTitle}} developer portal account registration pending approval. Catalog
consumer app-lifecycle-approved Request approved to {{action}} app {{appName}}. Catalog
consumer app-lifecycle-denied Request denied to {{action}} app {{appName}}. Catalog
consumer app-lifecycle-pending Request received to {{action}} app {{appName}}. Catalog
consumer app-reinstated {{appName}} app reinstated in the {{consumerOrg}} developer portal. Catalog
consumer app-suspended {{appName}} app suspended in the {{consumerOrg}} developer portal. Catalog
consumer invitation Invitation to create an API consumer organization in the {{catalog}} developer portal. Catalog
consumer member-invitation Invitation to an API consumer organization in the {{catalog}} developer portal. Catalog
consumer password-changed Password changed for your user account in {{portalTitle}} developer portal. Catalog
consumer password-reset Password reset request for your {{catalog}} developer portal account. Catalog
consumer sign-up {{catalogTitle}} developer portal account registration. Catalog
consumer task-subscription-approved API subscription request approved for app {{appName}}. Catalog
consumer task-subscription-denied API subscription request denied for app {{appName}}. Catalog
consumer task-subscription-pending API subscription request received for app {{appName}}. Catalog

The sender address details can be configured at four levels: Cloud, Provider Organization, Catalog, and Space, and you can set a different sender address for each Provider Organization, Catalog, or Space, as required. The sender address for the Cloud can be configured in the Cloud Manager UI; see Setting up notifications for details. The sender address for the Provider Organization can be configured in the API Manager UI; see Configuring notifications for details. However, the sender address for Catalogs and Spaces can be configured only by using the toolkit CLI, as explained in the following steps.


  1. Log in to the management server from the command line as a member of a provider organization; for more information, see Logging in to a management server. You can use the same management server URL, username, and password in the login command that you use to log in to the API Manager user interface.
  2. To update the sender address details for a Space, run the following commands.
    1. Run the apic space-settings:get command to read the current Space settings and output them to a json file. For example:
      apic space-settings:get --server my_mgt_server --org my_provider_org --catalog my_catalog --space my_space --format json
      • my_mgt_server is your management server endpoint or URL.
      • my_provider_org is the name of your Provider Organization.
      • my_catalog is the name of your Catalog.
      • my_space is the name of your Space.
    2. Make a copy of the output file that you can then use to update the settings, for example:
      cp space-setting.json space-setting-update.json
    3. Edit the copied settings file to update the email_sender block. For example:
      vi space-setting-update.json
        "email_sender": {
          "custom": true,
          "name": "NO REPLY: space sender name",
          "address": ""
      • custom must be changed from the default setting of false to true.
      • the name line must be added to the file, and the space sender name details completed.
      • the address line must be added to the file, and the address details completed.
      Note: Ignore all of the other configuration details that are contained in this settings file.
    4. Run the space-settings:update command to update the Space settings with the new sender address details. For example:
      apic space-settings:update --server my_mgt_server --org my_provider_org --catalog my_catalog --space my_space space-setting-update.json
      Where space-setting-update.json is the name of your updated settings file.
  3. To update the sender address details for a Catalog, run the following commands.
    1. Run the apic catalog-settings:get command to read the current Catalog settings and output them to a json file. For example:
      apic catalog-settings:get --server my_mgt_server --org my_provider_org --catalog my_catalog --format json
      • my_mgt_server is your management server endpoint or URL.
      • my_provider_org is the name of your Provider Organization.
      • my_catalog is the name of your Catalog.
    2. Make a copy of the output file that you can then use to update the settings, for example:
      cp catalog-setting.json catalog-setting-update.json
    3. Edit the copied settings file to update the email_sender block. For example:
      vi catalog-setting-update.json
        "email_sender": {
          "custom": true,
          "name": "NO REPLY: catalog sender name",
          "address": ""
      • custom must be changed from the default setting of false to true.
      • name line must be added to the file, and the catalog sender name details completed.
      • address line must be added to the file, and the address details completed.
      Note: Ignore all of the other configuration details that are contained in this settings file.
    4. Run the catalog-settings:update command to update the Catalog settings with the new sender address details. For example:
      apic catalog-settings:update --server my_mgt_server --org my_provider_org --catalog my_catalog catalog-setting-update.json
      Where catalog-setting-update.json is the name of your updated settings file.


You now understand how the hierarchical search works for the sender details for each email template, and can update the sender details at the Space and Catalog level as required.