Obtaining product files
Obtain the product files, upload the images to a Docker registry, and decompress the operators and templates.
Before you begin
- Ensure you have supported hardware and software. See IBM API Connect Version 10 software product compatibility requirements.
- Complete the Deployment requirements
- Install and run Docker on the local machine being used for API Connect installation. Log in to your image registry.
About this task
From the IBM Fix Central site, download the Docker image-tool file of the API Connect subsystems. Next, you will upload the image-tool file to your Docker local registry. If necessary, you can populate a remote container registry with repositories. Then you can push the images from the local registry to the remote registry.
You will also download the Kubernetes operators, API Connect Custom Resource (CR) templates, and Certificate Manager, for use during deployment configuration.
- If you plan to migrate from Version 5 to Version 10, review Migrating a Version 5 deployment before you start the installation process.
- If you have API Connect installed and want to upgrade your release version, follow the upgrade instructions: Upgrading API Connect in a Kubernetes runtime environment
What to do next
Continue with Deploying operators and cert-manager.