Enabling Analytics after upgrading

After the upgrade successfully completes, re-enable Analytics data collection.

Before you begin

If upgrading from v10.0.5.x you do not need to do these steps.

About this task

This task is only required if you are upgrading from releases prior to


  1. Re-create your analytics backup secret:
    1. Delete the secret: kubectl delete secret analytics-backup-secret
    2. Re-create the secret with a new name: kubectl create secret generic <new backup secret name> --from-literal=access_key='Your_Access_Key' --from-literal=secret_key='Your_access_key_secret' -n Namespace_of_Analytics_Subsystem
    3. Update the credentials value in your analytics CR with the new backup secret name. Also, change your backup path to prevent the backups list showing pre-upgrade backups that you cannot restore from. For example:
              credentials: <new backup secret name>
              path: <new backup path>
    If this step is skipped, then backups will not run.
  2. Delete the old analytics PVCs. If this step is not done, then your previous (and now inaccessible) analytics data will continue to occupy storage space.
    List your PVCs and identify those that contain the following strings in their names: storage-master, storage-coord, storage-data, storage-shared, kafka, zk. These PVCs should all have an AGE that dates back to before you started your upgrade.
    kubectl get pvc -n <namespace>
    NAME                                   STATUS   VOLUME            CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS      AGE
    data-ger2-analytics-storage-0          Bound    a7s-pv-8735e017   250Gi      RWO            rook-ceph-block   3h29m
    data-ger2-analytics-storage-shared-0   Bound    a7s-pv-30aac7ed   250Gi      RWO            rook-ceph-block   227d
    In this example, data-ger2-analytics-storage-shared-0 contains the string storage-shared, and it is 227 days old. To delete it, run:
    kubectl delete pvc data-ger2-analytics-storage-shared-0 -n <namespace>
  3. Add the new analytics:view permission to the Administrator role in the Cloud Manager UI.
    1. Click Settings icon, then select Roles
    2. Click Actions icon on the Administrator role and select Edit
    3. Select the checkbox next to the analytics permission and click save:

      analytics view permission check box

  4. Register new analytics services: Registering an analytics service
  5. Associate your new analytics services with your gateways Associating an analytics service with a gateway service